Saveti Ažurirano 01.04.2022
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Stan u potrkovlju: Prednosti i mane života u potkrovlju

Godinama unazad, potkrovlja su nešto što mnogi izbegavaju kada odluče da kupe stan. Ipak, na drugoj strani su oni koji vole takav prostor, i koji se raduju da žive “na vrhu”.

Danas objašnjavamo razlike između ove dve grupe kupaca, odnosno predstavljamo prednosti i mane života u potkrovlju.

Nadamo se da će i Vama tekst poslužiti da donesete dobro informisanu odluku, jer kupovina stana nije nimalo lak zadatak.


Milion puteva do najosvetljenije dnevne sobe u potrkovlju

Život u potkrovlju znači mogućnost maksimalnog iskorišćavanja prostora.  Zbog svoje povišene lokacije u zgradi, potkrovlje nudi ogromne mogućnosti za privatnost, nezavisnost i mir

Pored toga, potkrovlja su u najvećem broju slučajeva izuzetno svetla mesta u zgradi. Čak i uz malu reformu samog stana, u vidu otvaranja krovnih prozora sa karakterističnim, kosim zidovima, dobijamo specifičan šarm i moderan prizvuk dnevne sobe.

To je nešto na šta ne može da  računa nijedan drugi sprat u zgradi. Još kad se pridodaju beli zidovi, ili kombinacije sa neutralnim ili zemljanim tonovima – dobićemo pojačani osećaj osvetljenosti i prostranosti.

Moderno kupatilo sa drvenim detaljima u potrkovlju

Kako izbarati boje zidova za potkrovlje

Pošto je prostor potkrovlja obično otvoren i prostran, postoji nekoliko opcija za kombinovanje boja koje treba uzeti u obzir. Naravno, kao što je slučaj sa svim stvarima u životu, pa tako i u uređenju stana u potkrovlju – vodite se sopstvenim željama, svojim ukusom, stilom i bojama koje volite.

Mi smo tu samo da vas uputimo na kombinacije koje potkrovlju mogu dati poželjan izgled, i uputiti vas na pravac ukoliko ste neodlučni. 

Dakle – koje boje i stilovi “rade” u uređenju potkrovlja?

  1. Klasični dekor, i to onaj koji se sastoji od crno-belih detalja
  2. Tradicionalni enterijer koji najčešće sadrži zemljane nijanse i neutralne tonove
  3. Savremeni , moderni prostor – obično jednostavan i neutralan (čitaj: raj za minimaliste) sa neočekivanim, razigranim i dinamičnim detaljima.

Bitan detalj!

Pored nijansi boja, u uređenju potrkovlja, ondosno stvaranju određene emocije prostora, najviše će vam najviše pomoći odabir kvalitetnih krovnih prozora i kvalitetne stolarije.

Stan povezan u celinu je najbitnija stavka pri uređenju potkrovlja

Najbitnija stvar kod uređenja potkrovlja, jeste odabir boja, detalja, stolarije i nameštaja koji će biti u skladu sa svim ostalim elementima

Potkrovlje moramo povezati u stilsku celinu, kako bi prostor delovao smisleno, povezano i kako bi sva ta prostranost zapravo dobila karakteristike luksuznog prostora.


Spavaća soba u kojoj svi rado dočekuju jutro

Stan u potkrovlju je odličan izbor i ako želite tihu, izolovanu spavaću sobu. Ona može biti veoma ugodna, posebno ako je mali i ušuškan prostor. Poenta je samo da se držite svetlih boja, lakih materijala, i jednostavnog, neopterećujućeg nameštaja.

Spavaća soba u potkrovlju može biti posebno koristan dodatak i za porodice čiji se broj članova uvećava. Zato mnogi vlasnici biraju da dokupe potkrovlje, i tako načine dupleks od svog stana.

Terasa u potkrovlju na kojoj se nalaze dve fotelje i stočić sa pogledom na šumu

Problem izolacije potkrovlja (a neretko i cele zgrade)

Za kraj želimo da prokomentarišemo jedinu brigu života u potkrovlju. To je izolacija; ne samo vašeg stana u potkrovlju, već najčešće cele zgrade.

Izolacija je zapravo i glavni razlog zašto mnogi beže od kupovine stana u ovom delu stambene zgrade. Međutim, to ne mora biti ni najmanji problem ako stan kupujete od proverenih prodavaca, i ako vam sam investitor izađe u susret i objasni sve što vas zanima.

Grading je zbog toga i razvio i ovu malu formu komunikacije sa kupcima – putem bloga, kao način da dopre do interesenata, i ultimativno približi svoj koncept gradnje budućim kupcima.

U našim tekstovima obrađujemo brojne teme, kako vezano za gradnju, tako i uređenje, ili pravno-birokratske detalje.

Zašto smo danas zabrinuti za izolaciju potkrovlja?

Evo nekoliko stvari na koje treba obratiti pažnju, ili odmah upitati prodavca te stambene jedinice:

  1. Kako se potkrovlje koje nameravate da kupite greje?
  2. Kakva je energetska efikasnost prostora?
  3. Koji su materijali korišćeni za toplotnu, hidro i zvučnu izolaciju?
  4. Kolika je garancija na izolaciju čitave zgrade, a posebno tavanice kojoj biste vi bili najpre izloženi?
  5. Planovi za buduće obnavljanje, održavanje i sl. regulative

Nadamo se da će svaki aspekt razgovora zadovoljiti vaše kriterijume. Ukoliko vas zanima više o tome, ili vam je upravo kupovina stana na umu – ne oklevajte da se obratite i nama za pomoć.

Ako ništa drugo, tu smo da vodimo računa i brinemo o komšiluku na vrhu zgrade.

Saveti Ažurirano 01.04.2022
All tips

Attic apartment: Advantages and disadvantages of living in an attic

Years ago, attics were something that many avoided when they decided to buy an apartment. However, on the other side are those who love such a space, and who are happy to live „on top“.

Today we explain the differences between these two groups of customers, that is, we present the advantages and disadvantages of living in the attic.

We hope that this text will help you make a well-informed decision because buying an apartment is not an easy task.


Millions of paths to the brightest living room in the attic

Living in the attic creates the possibility of maximum use of space. Due to its high location in the building, the attic offers enormous opportunities for privacy, independence, and peace.

In addition, the attics are in most cases extremely bright places in the building. Even with a small reform of the apartment itself, in the form of opening the roof windows with distinctive, sloping walls, we get a specific charm and a modern touch in the living room.

It is something that no other floor in the building can count on. Even when white walls are added, or combinations with neutral or earth tones – we get an enhanced feeling of lightness and spaciousness.

Moderno kupatilo sa drvenim detaljima u potrkovlju

How to choose the colors of the walls for the attic

Since the attic space is usually open and spacious, there are several options for combining colors that you can consider. Of course, as is the case with all things in life, including decorating an attic apartment – be guided by your own desires, your own taste, style, and colors that you love.

We’re just here to point you to combinations that can give your attic a desirable look, and point you in the right direction if you’re indecisive.

So – what colors and styles „work“ in decorating the attic?

  1. Classic decor, and the one that consists of black and white details
  2. Traditional interior that usually contains earthy shades and neutral tones
  3. Contemporary, modern space – usually simple and neutral (read: a paradise for minimalists) with unexpected, playful, and dynamic details.

Important detail!

In addition to color shades, that is, creating a certain emotion of the space – choosing high-quality roof windows and quality carpentry will help you the most in decorating the attic.

The apartment connected as a whole is the most important thing when arranging the attic

The most important thing when decorating the attic is to choose colors, details, carpentry, and furniture that will be in harmony with all other elements.

We should connect the attic into a stylistic whole so that the space seems meaningful, and connected and so that all that space actually gains the characteristics of luxurious space.


A bedroom where everyone welcomes the morning happily

An attic apartment is a great choice if you want a quiet, isolated bedroom. It can be very comfortable, especially if the space is small and tucked away. The only point is to stick to bright colors, light materials, and simple, unobtrusive furniture.

The bedroom in the attic can be particularly useful for families whose number of members is increasing. That is why many owners choose to buy an attic and thus make a duplex from their apartment.

Terasa u potkrovlju na kojoj se nalaze dve fotelje i stočić sa pogledom na šumu

The problem of attic insulation (and often entire building)

Finally, we want to comment on the only concern of life in the attic. It is insulation; not just in your attic apartment, but most often in the entire building.

Insulation is actually the main reason why many people avoid buying an apartment in this part of a residential building. However, this doesn’t have to be even the slightest problem if you buy an apartment from trusted sellers and if the investor himself meets you and explains everything that interests you.

That is why Grading has developed this small form of communication with customers – through a blog, as a way to reach stakeholders, and ultimately bring its concept of construction closer to future customers.

In our texts, we deal with numerous topics, both related to construction and decor or legal-bureaucratic details.

Why are we worried about attic insulation today?

Here are a few things to look out for, or ask the seller of that housing unit right away:

  1. How does the attic you intend to buy heat up?
  2. What is the energy efficiency of the space?
  3. What materials were used for thermal, hydro, and sound insulation?
  4. What is the guarantee for the insulation of the entire building, and especially the attic to which you would be exposed?
  5. Plans for future renovation, maintenance, and similar regulations.

We hope that every aspect of the conversation will meet your criteria. If you are interested in more about it, or you are just buying an apartment in mind – do not hesitate to contact us for help.

If nothing else, we are here to take care of the neighbourhood at the top of the building.