Saveti Ažurirano 18.02.2022
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Ideje za dekorisanje sobe za bebu

Dekorisanje sobe za bebu može biti izuzetno zanimljiv posao. Ne samo da je soba za bebu mesto gde možete pustiti mašti na volju, čak se i preporučuje da bebina soba bude što maštovitija, ali ušuškana i topla.

Ukoliko vam se bliži trenutak uređenja sobe za bebu, donosimo vam pet saveta i ideje za dekorisanje sobe za bebu uz koje ćete lako pronaći kombinaciju najbližu vašem senzibilitetu.

Birajte svetlije zidove, sa delovima u (istoj ali) tamnijoj nijansi

Prvo se mora krenuti od zidova. Poslednjih godina primećujemo povratak belim zidovima. Ili, ako to već nije bela boja, biraju se njoj najsličnije, poput šampanjac njanse, krem, i svih pastelnih, ali poprilično “razvodnjenih” nijansi.

Ovaj “trend” ne treba da čudi. Svetle boje najbolje učine prostor većim, a kada da kada je u pitanju uređenje sobe za bebu, roditelji obično ne raspolažu velikom kvadraturom, tako da svaka “pomoć” dobro dođe.

Ipak, jednobojni zidovi ne moraju biti i monotoni. Kako to postići? Verovali ili ne, možete se poslužiti istim bojama kao na ostatku sobe, s tim što ćete tonerom napraviti tamniju nijansu

Dakle, ako su vam zidovi svetlo plavi, neka jedan deo zida (obično uža strana ili ivice) bude tamno plavi, indigo, ili čak sivi. Unesite boje u prostor.

Možete posegnuti i za potpuno suprotnom bojom, ali onom koja spada u komplementarne na paleti boja. 

Postavite krevetac do ulaza

Mnogi roditelji biraju da krevetac svog deteta postave odmah do ulaza. I ne, ne brinite o “promaji”. Sve dok je sa druge strane zatvoren prozor (ili terasa) nikakve p-r-o-m-a-j-e neće biti.

Osim toga, kada vam je krevetac bliže ulazu, lako ćete moći da proverite da li beba spava ili je budna. Nećete morati u toku noći da ulazite dublje u prostoriju i rizikujete bebino buđenje.

Odabir kreveca – sve popularniji “multipraktik” krevetići za bebe

Kupovinom kreveca koji kasnije može da bude i krevetić, pa još ako ima i fijoke i mogućnost ljuškanja – višestruko će se isplatiti u godinama koje vam predstoje sa novim članom porodice.

Soba za bebu sa roze nijansama

Iskoristite prostor: Police i komoda za bebine stvari

Odmah do bebinog kreveca, smestite i komodu za njene stvari. U prodaji postoji mnogo modela ormara i komoda, sa fijokama, policama i slično. Birajte dezene i oblike prema inicijalnoj zamisli o dizajnu bebine sobe.

Neko bi rekao da vam ne treba veliki ormar za male bebine stvari, ali pokušajte da pronađete nešto što će vas služiti duži niz godina.

Sve fijoke se tokom vremena lako popune, jer beba brzo prerasta stvari, a poseban odeljak vam treba za pelene, kozmetiku, veš, donje i gornje delove odeće, potkošulje, jaknice i drugu deblju garderobu.

Šta je sa mestom za mamin (i tatin) boravak u bebinoj sobi?

Jeste li planirali da neko vreme provedete u sobi svoje bebe? Iako se mnogi roditelji odlučuju na to da beba prvih meseci bude u roditeljskoj sobi, u kolevci, mnogi roditelji (najčešće mame) često dele sobu sa svojim mezimcima, barem u prva tri meseca.

Ukoliko ćete od samog početka navikavati bebu na njen krevetac, i vama će biti nephodno mesto gde ćete spavati, a ujedno i povijati bebu, ljuškati je da zaspi i presvlačiti

Umesto kupovine posebne komodice koju će beba prerasti kroz nekoliko meseci, slobodno u jednan kutak uselite “svoj” krevet. Ili sofu. Ili veću, udobnu fotelju na razvlačenje. Zavisno od toga šta vam prostor i kvadratura sobe dozvoljavaju.

Mekana prostirka, ćebence i neki jastučić u boji biće odličan ukras za krevet/fotelju, a mama (ili tata) će fino odmoriti uz njih.

Drveni krevetac u dečijoj sobi

Najbolja dekoracija za bebinu sobu: sitnice koje prave razliku

Pošto imate nežne, pastelne zidove, a još te i neke delove sobe obojili u sličnu, samo tamniju nijansu, ostaje samo da privedete kraju ukrašavanje. Verujte nam, ovakav način krečenja otvoriće sobu i dati joj nešto posebno toplo, ali ipak veoma moderno.

Ostaje da se pozabavite “golim” zidovima. Možete u jednom delu okačiti jedan veliki ram sa slikom životinje ili prirode, grafiku, ili se čak poslužite stikerima životinja, oblaka ili balona (prevoznog sredstva).

Ogledalo je takođe način da ukrasite sobu, ali i dobijete na funkcionalnosti prostorije. Zahvalićete nam dok se budete fotkali sa bebom.

Za one posebno ambiciozne (ali i vične umetnoti) tu je oslikavanje dela zida, ili čak tavanice. Neka “nebo” sija sitnim zvezdicama i neka se boje prelivaju kao u nekoj galaksiji. Isto možete postići i fototapetama.

Sada ostaje samo da poređate plišane igračle i figurice. Mada se trudite da ne pretrpavate sobu lomljivim (krhkim) stvarima, i igračkama koje skupljaju prašinu i rasadnik su alergena.

Možda vam sve ovo deluje naporno, i ne znate odakle da počnete dekorisanje bebine sobe, ali, verujte nam, kada ova avantura otpočne, ideje i rešenja će se spontano nizati, jedna za drugom.

Najbitnije je već tu – vi i vaša beba. Za sve ostalo, tu je Gradning, da vam olakša u svemu vezanom za zajednički život. Od ideja za uređenje enterijera, savetima za kupivinu stana i zanimljivim tekstovima poput onog koji vam pokazuje kako funkcioniše život u stambenoj zajendici.

Saveti Ažurirano 18.02.2022
All tips

Ideas for decorating a baby’s room

Decorating a baby’s room can be an extremely interesting job. Not only is the baby room a place where you can let your imagination run wild, it is even recommended that the baby’s room be as imaginative as possible, but also tucked away and warm.

If you are near the moment of decorating a baby’s room, we present to you five tips and ideas for decorating a baby’s room with which you will easily find the combination closest to your sensibility.

Choose lighter colors for walls, with parts in (the same but) darker shade

First, you have to start from the walls. In recent years, we have noticed a return to the white walls. Or, if it is not already white, the most similar ones are often chosen, such as champagne shades, beige, and all pastel, but quite „dilutedshades.

This „trend“ should come as no surprise. Bright colors are the best at making the space bigger, and when it comes to decorating a baby’s room, parents usually don’t have a lot of space, so any „help“ comes in handy.

Still, one-color walls do not have to be monotonous. How to achieve this? Believe it or not, you can use the same colors as the rest of the room, but the toner will make a darker shade.

So, if your walls are light blue, let one part of the wall (usually the narrower side or edges) be dark blue, indigo, or even gray. Bring some colors into the space.

You can also opt for a completely opposite color, but one that is complementary to the color palette

Place the crib next to the entrance

Many parents choose to place their child’s crib right next to the entrance. And no, don’t worry about the „draft“. As long as the window (or terrace) on the other side is closed, there will be no d-r-a-f-t-s.

Besides, when your crib is closer to the entrance, you will easily be able to check if the baby is asleep or awake. You will not have to go deeper into the room during the night and risk waking your baby.

Choosing a crib – the more and more popular „multi-practice“ cribs for babies

Buying a crib that can later be a small bed, and even if it has drawers and the possibility of rocking – will pay off many times, over the years to come with a new family member.

Soba za bebu sa roze nijansama

Make use of space: Shelves and chest of drawers for baby things

Next to the baby’s crib, place a chest of drawers for its things. There are many models on sale of cabinets and chests of drawers with shelves, and similar. Choose designs and shapes according to the initial idea of ​​the baby’s room design.

Some would say that you do not need a large closet for small baby things, but try to find something that will serve you for many years.

All the drawers are easy to fill over time, because the baby quickly outgrows things, and you need a special section for diapers, cosmetics, underwear and outerwear, undershirts, jackets, and other thicker clothes.

What about a place for mom (and dad) to stay in the baby’s room?

Have you planned to spend some time in your baby’s room? Although many parents decide to have the baby in the parents’ room in a cradle for the first few months, many parents (usually mothers) often share the room with their babies, at least for the first three months.

If you are going to get your baby used to her crib from the very beginning, you will also need a place for sleeping, and at the same time swaddle the baby, rock it to fall asleep, and change its clothes.

Instead of buying a special commode that your baby will outgrow in a few months, feel free to move „your“ bed into one corner. Or a sofa. Or a larger, comfortable sofa bed, depending on what the space and size of the room allow.

A soft rug, blankets, and some colored pillows will be a great decoration for the bed/armchair, and mom (or dad) will have a nice rest with them.

Drveni krevetac u dečijoj sobi

The best decoration for a baby’s room: little things that make a difference

Since you have soft, pastel walls and some parts of the room are painted in a similar, only darker shade, all you have to do is finish the decoration. Believe us, this way of painting will open the room and give it something especially warm, but still very modern.

It remains to deal with the „bare“ walls. You can hang a large frame with a picture of an animal or nature, graphics, or even use stickers of animals, clouds, or balloons (vehicles) in one part.

The mirror is also a way to decorate the room but also get on the functionality of the room. You will thank us as you take pictures with the baby.

For those who are especially ambitious (but also skilled in the art), there is a painting of a part of the wall or even the ceiling. Let the „sky“ shine with tiny stars and let the colors overflow like in a galaxy. You can achieve the same with photo wallpapers.

Now all you have to do is line up the plush toys and figurines. Even so, try not to overcrowd the room with fragile things, toys that collect dust, and spread allergens.

It may seem hard to you, and you don’t know how to start decorating your baby’s room, but, believe us, when this adventure begins, ideas and solutions will spontaneously come together, one after the other.

The most important thing is already there – you and your baby. For everything else, there is Grading, to make it easier for you in everything related to living together. From ideas for interior design, tips for buying an apartment, and interesting texts like the one that shows you how life in a residential community works.