Izgradnja Ažurirano 11.02.2022
Svi saveti

Kako povećati energetsku efikasnost prostora?

Već smo pričali o tome kako zelena gradnja može da promoviše bolju energetsku fikasnost. Sa ovim konceptom se možete upoznati na linku ispod:

LINK: Zelena gradnja u Srbiji – Šta je održiva gradnja i koje su njene prednosti? 

Danas je vreme da govorimo o tome kako povećati energetsku efikasnost domova, pa i cele zgrade, sa gledišta nas kao “običnog” stanara.

Energetska efikasnost u novogradnji i starogradnji

Kada govorimo o starogradnji u Srbiji obično mislimo na zgrade i kuće koje su izgrađene u periodu od 1950 do 1980 godine.

Materijali koji su tada korišćeni nemaju dobre karakteristike u pogledu termoizolacije, pa se procenjuje se da takve nekretnine imaju ocenu F – kada je potrošnja i štednja energije u pitanju.

Potrošači se inače dele po kategorijama od A do G (A, B, C, D , E, F, G). Stoga vidimo da je ocena F prilično visoka potrošnja.

S obzirom na to da je najveći deo nekretnina u Srbiji građen upravo u pomenutom periodu, nije ni čudo što je naša zemlja danas jedan od vodećih potrošača energije u Evropi. To je i jedan od razloga zbog kojih su nam računi za grejanje i struju veliki

Kupovina stanova u novogradnji bi ovu situaciju trebalo da ispravi. Ako razmišljate da kupite stan u izgradnji (dakle, novogradnji), Grading vam preporučuje da se upoznate sa narednim tekstom:

LINK: Stanovi u izgradnji – Šta treba proveriti i znati ako kupujete stan u izgradnji

Kako povećati energetsku efikasnost domaćinstva (stana)

Ko su  glavni “rasipnici” energije u našim stanovima (pa i zgradama)? Poređaćemo ih po najvećoj potrošnji (korišćenju):

  1. Svetla
  2. Frižider i zamrzivač
  3. Šporet
  4. Bojler
  5. Mašina za veš
  6. Mali kućni aparati
  7. Uređaji za rashlađivanje prostora

Povećanje energetske efikasnosti kroz zamenu stolarije

Prvi korak je svakako postavljanje termoizolacije, ako je nema. Dalje, popravka dotrajalih vrata i prozora. 

Dotrajalu stolariju (osušenu, napuklu..) bilo da je u pitanju drvena, aluminijumska ili već dotrajala PVC, trebalo bi u potpunosti zameniti novim komadima koji dobro “dihtuju”.

Ukoliko su ramovi zdravi, možete uštedeti i zameniti samo stakla. Tada, po mogućstvu, treba ugraditi dupla stakla koja između imaju sloj argona da pravi barijeru.

Ovo je posebno bitan i koristan savet za nekretnine koje imaju zidove sa velikim staklenim površinama, kao i za zastakljene terase.

Moderna dnevna soba

Pametno upravljanje rasvetom

Potrudite se da gasite rasvetu u prostorijama koje ne koristite (tokom celog dana). Najpre mislimo na sijalice u toaletima, ostavama, podrumima, hodnicima i spavaćim sobama u kojima većinu vremena niko ne boravi.

Ukoliko ste u mogućnosti, zamenite “obične” sijalice sa LED komadima. Za radnim stolom koristite lampu koja će dati dovoljno svetla na radnoj površini, umesto da ga trošite na centralno osvetljenje i rasipate energiju na celu prostoriju.

Ukoliko vam je potrebna pomoć pri planiranju rasvete, Grading vam i u tome pomaže kroz novi blog. Pročitajte ga:

LINK: Kako da imate savršenu rasvetu u stanu

Bojite zidove u svetlije boje jer tamne nijanse “upijaju” svetlost

Dizajniranje stana nije lak poduhvat. Zbog toga vas nagrađujemo još jednim vodičem kroz ovu avanturu. 

A da bi naše povećanje energetske efikasnosti bilo u skladu sa detaljima i dizajnom koji odaberemo za prostorije, neophodno je uvesti par pravila.

Prvo: Odreknite se dekorativne rasvete gdje je to moguće. Ona ne doprinosi značajno povećanju osvijetljenosti, a dodatno troši električnu energiju.

Drugo: Birajte svetlije boje koje bi “otvorile” prostor. Možete ih uneti i kroz detalje. O tome detaljnije govorimo OVDE, ali držite se dobro poznatih belih ili krem zidova za dnevne boravke.

Kako povećati energetsku efikasnost cele zgrade

Pre početka radova na delimičnom ili potpunom renoviranju zgrade moraju se locirati mesta preko kojih se ostvaruju energetski gubici.

Na osnovu tih podataka, izrađuje se jasna strategija radova koje je potrebno izvesti vodeći računa o amortizacija troškova renoviranja

Iz dosadašnjih iskustava, najveći energetski gubici se ostvaruju preko sledećih “slabih” tački:

  • Dotrajale stolarije (najčešće drvena i isušena),
  • Oronulih spoljašnjih zidova i fasade
  • Ventilacionog zida,
  • Krova,
  • Terase,
  • Poda (ukoliko se radi o prizemlju),
  • Podruma,
  • Starih sistema za grejanje.

Izolacija cele zgrade povećava energetsku efikasnost

Koliko energije će biti utršeno zavisi prvenstveno od izolacije na zgradama, a onda i od prozora i vrata jer oni većinski propuštaju toplotu.

Kada je u pitanju povećanje energetske efikasnosti zgrade, mora se raditi projekat na celoj zgradi. Nije moguće da vi, kao vlasnik, na primer, jednog stana, postavite spoljnu izolaciju samo za svoj stan.

Izolacija zgrade podrazumeva obraćanj pažnje na krovove, tavane, potkrovlja i podrume, odnosno stanove u suterenu i prizemlju,stanove sa mnogo spoljnih zidova, kao i terase.

Najbolji način za povećanje energetske efikasnosti prostora je svakako izgradnja potpuno novog objekta koji zadovoljava sve kriterijume energetske efikasnosti.

Poboljšanje energetske efikasnosti zgrade uglavnom se radi zbog smanjenja potrošnje električne energije za grejanje i hlađenje prostorija, naročito tokom grejne sezone. 

Stanari zgrada i kuća koje su energetski poboljšane na svojim računima direktno vide efekat ove odluke. Takođe, unapređenjem energetske efikasnosti doma/zgrade, povećavamo i dodatnu vrednost objekta, ukoliko dođe do prodaje ili iznajmljivanja.

Osim toga, energetski efikasni objekati štite od značajnog povećanja cena energenata jer operativni troškovi ostaju niski, a u obavezi smo i da štitimo ograničene energetske resurse i klimu, naročito ako loša energetska efikasnost emituje previše CO2 u atmosferu.

Svi novoizgrađeni objekti koje Grading gradi imaju energetski pasoš kategorije B, što garantuje minimalne račune budućim stanarima.

Izgradnja Ažurirano 11.02.2022
All tips

How to increase the energy efficiency of a space?

We have already talked about how green construction can promote better energy efficiency. You can get acquainted with this concept at the link below:

LINK: Green building in Serbia – What is sustainable construction and what are its advantages?

Today is the time to talk about how to increase the energy efficiency of homes, and even entire buildings, from the point of view of „common“ tenants.

Energy efficiency in new and old buildings

When we talk about old buildings in Serbia, we usually mean buildings and houses that were built in the period from 1950 to 1980.

The materials used at that time did not have good characteristics in terms of thermal insulation, so it is estimated that such properties have an F rating – when it comes to energy consumption and savings.

Consumers are usually divided into categories from A to G (A, B, C, D, E, F, G). Therefore, we see that grade F means quite high consumption.

Considering that the largest part of real estate in Serbia was built in the mentioned period, it is no wonder that our country is today one of the leading consumers of energy in Europe. This is one of the reasons why our heating and electricity bills are high.

Buying apartments in new buildings should improve this situation. If you are thinking of buying an apartment under construction (therefore, new construction), Grading recommends that you familiarize yourself with the following text:

LINK: Apartments under construction – What you need to check and know if you are buying an apartment under construction

How to increase the energy efficiency of the household (apartment)

Who are the main „wasters“ of energy in our apartments (and even buildings)? We will rank them by maximum consumption (use):

  • Lights
  • Refrigerator and freezer
  • Stove
  • Boiler
  • Washing machine
  • Small appliances
  • Appliances Cooling space

Increase energy efficiency through carpentry replacement

The first step is definitely to install thermal insulation if there is none. Next, repair dilapidated doors and windows.

Dilapidated carpentry (dried, cracked …) whether it is wooden, aluminum, or dilapidated PVC, should be completely replaced with new pieces that „seal“ well.

If the frames are preserved, you can save and replace only the glass. Then, if possible, double glazing should be installed, which has an argon layer in between to create a barrier.

This is especially important and useful advice for properties that have walls with large glass surfaces, as well as for glazed terraces.

Moderna dnevna soba

Smart lighting management

Try to turn off the lights in rooms you don’t use (all day). First of all, we think of light bulbs in toilets, pantries, basements, hallways, and bedrooms where no one stays most of the time.

If possible, replace „normal“ light bulbs with LED pieces. At the desk, use a lamp that will give enough light to the work surface, instead of spending it on central lighting and wasting energy on the whole room.

If you need help planning your lighting, Grading will help you with that through a new blog. Read it:

LINK: How to have the perfect lighting in the apartment

Paint the walls in lighter colors because dark shades „absorb“ light

Designing an apartment is not an easy task. That is why we reward you with another guide through this adventure.

And in order for our increase in energy efficiency to be in line with the details and design we choose for the premises, it is necessary to introduce a few rules.

First: Give up decorative lighting where possible. It does not significantly increase the brightness and additionally consumes electricity.

Second: Choose lighter colors that would „open“ the space. You can also enter them in detail. We talk about that in more detail HERE, but stick to the well-known white or cream walls for living rooms.

How to increase the energy efficiency of the entire building

Before starting work on the partial or complete renovation of the building, the places where energy losses are realized must be determined.

Based on these data, a clear strategy of works is developed which needs to be performed taking into account the amortization of renovation costs.

From previous experiences, the biggest energy losses are realized through the following „weak“ points:

  • Dilapidated carpentry (usually wooden and dry),
  • Dilapidated exterior walls and facades,
  • Ventilation Wall,
  • Roof,
  • Terrace,
  • Floor (if it is a ground floor),
  • Basement,
  • Old heating systems.

Insulation of the entire building increases energy efficiency

How much energy is used depends primarily on the insulation on the buildings, and then on the windows and doors because they are the ones that mostly let in heat.

When it comes to increasing the energy efficiency of a building, the project must be done on the entire building. It is not possible for you, as the owner of, for example, one apartment, to install external insulation only for your apartment.

Insulation of the building implies paying attention to roofs, attics, and basements, that is, apartments in the basement and ground floor, apartments with many external walls, as well as terraces.

The best way to increase the energy efficiency of space is certainly the construction of a completely new facility that meets all energy efficiency criteria.

Improving the energy efficiency of the building is mainly due to the reduction of electricity consumption for heating and cooling the premises, especially during the heating season.

Tenants of buildings and houses that have been energetically improved on their bills directly see the effect of this decision. Also, by improving the energy efficiency of the home/building, we increase the value of the building, in case of sale or rent.

In addition, energy-efficient facilities protect against significant increases in energy prices because operating costs remain low and we are committed to protecting limited energy resources and the climate, especially if poor energy efficiency emits too much CO2 into the atmosphere.

All newly built facilities that Grading is building have a category B energy passport, which guarantees minimum bills to future tenants.