Saveti Ažurirano 20.02.2018
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Kupovina prvog stana novčane olakšice i povraćaj PDV-a

Prilikom kupovine nekretnine koja se nalazi u novoj stambenoj zgradi susrešćete se sa plaćanjem  poreza: poreza na dodatu vrednost (PDV) .

Prvim stanom smatra se stan, odnosno svojinski udeo na stanu kao i svojinski udeo na porodičnoj stambenoj zgradi koji kupuje osoba koja nema i nije imala nekretninu ili svojinski udeo u nekretnini, počev od 1. jula 2006. godine.

Zakon propisuje olakšice za kupce prvog stana za stanove u novoj gradnji. Ukoliko kupujete stan u novogradnji, onda ste u obavezi da platite porez na dodatu vrednost (PDV) koji prema poslednjim izmenama Zakona, iznosi 10%. Porez na dodatu vrednost se plaća isključivo pri kupovini prvog stana i to u novogradnji, jer ste na taj način vi kupac finalnog proizvoda koji je „stvorio“ investitor. Pored toga, potrebno je i da je ugovorena cena stana sa PDV-om u potpunosti isplaćena prodavcu, uz obaveznu uplatu novca na račun investitora.

Ukoliko kupujete svoj prvi stan (novogradnja) direktno od investitora, bićete oslobođeni od plaćanja poreza na prenos apsolutnih prava i samim tim ste u mogućnosti da tražite povraćaj PDV-a (koji ste platili kroz kupoprodajnu cenu).

Stanovi na prodaju

Panorama Erdoglija

Oslobađanje se vezuje za kvadraturu stana, odnosno kupac prvog stana je oslobođen plaćanja poreza za površinu stana do 40m² i za članove njegovog porodičnog domaćinstva (koji od 1. jula 2006. godine nisu imali u svojini, odnosno susvojini nekretninu na teritoriji Republike Srbije) do 15m² po svakom članu. Pod porodičnim domaćinstvom se podrazumevaju svi članovi jednog domaćinstva (supružnici, deca, roditelji kupca, roditelji supružnika…) sa istim prebivalištem i adresom kao i kupac prvog stana. Ako kupac prvog stana kupuje stan površine od npr. 70m², imaće povraćaj PDV-a samo na 40m², dok će na preostalih 30 kvadrata stana moći da dobije povraćaj na osnovu članova svog domaćinstva (15m² po svakom članu) i to pod uslovom da niko od njih do tog mometa nije imao neku nekretninu u svom vlasništvu. Takođe, ako ste u momentu kupovine prvog stana, povraćaj PDV-a ostvarili i na osnovu članova vašeg porodičnog domaćinstva (deca, supružnik, roditelji), morate znati da niko od njih u budućnosti pri kupovini sopstvenog stana neće imati pravo na povraćaj PDV-a.

Obveznik poreza za svrhu ostvarivanja prava na poresko oslobođenje, uz dokumentaciju podnosi i overenu izjavu kupca da kupuje prvi stan za sebe, odnosno za sebe i određene članove njegovog porodičnog domaćinstva, kao i druge dokaze iz kojih proizlazi da su ispunjeni uslovi za oslobođenje po tom osnovu koje mu je pružio kupac prvog stana.

Prijava se podnosi poreskom organu u opštini na čijoj teritoriji se nalazi privredno društvo koje je Prodavac stana.
Zahtev za refundaciju PDV kupcu prvog stana podnosi se na Obrascu RFN.

Uz zahtev se dostavlja i sledeća dokumentacija:

  1. Zahtev – obrazac RFN
  2. Overena izjava kupca da kupuje prvi stan – obrazac IKPS PDV
  3. Fotokopija rešenja odobrenja za izgradnju objekta – poseduje prodavac stana
  4. Ugovor o kupoprodaji – original ili overena kopija
  5. Račun prodavca sa iskazanim PDV-om- original ili overena kopija
  6. Dokaz o isplati u celosti – ako je prodavac pravno lice – izvod iz banke prodavca overen pečatom banke
  7. Potvrda prodavca da je stan isplaćen u celosti – original ili overena kopija
  8. Izvod iz matične knjige rođenih – original ili overena kopija
  9. Uverenje o državljanstvu – original ili overena kopija
  10. Kopija lične karte – overena
  11. Uverenje o kretanju prebivališta od 01.07.2016.godine – izdaje MUP
  12. Uverenje da kupac ne poseduje imovinu od 01.07.2016.godine – izdaje se u poreskom odeljenju prema mestu prebivališta kupca – za Kragujevčane u ul. Branka Radičevića 9 ( zgrada Svetlosti) i na šalteru broj 3 Poreske Uprave
  13. Kopija kartice tekućeg računa podnosioca zahteva
  14. Uverenje Katastra Nepokretnosti da kupac ne poseduje nepokretnost

Ukoliko se zahtev odnosi i na  članove domaćinstva koji su navedeni u zahtevu – potrebno je pribaviti obrasce pod rednim brojem  8 , 9 , 10 , 11 ,12 i 14  za svakog navedenog člana. Za maloletno dete  su potrebni samo obrasci pod rednim brojem 8 i 9 , kao i uverenje o prijavljenom prebivalištu iz nadležnog MUP-a.

Nadležni poreski organ nakon izvršene provere ispunjenosti uslova za refundaciju PDV-a rešenjem odlučuje o zahtevu u roku od 30 dana od dana prijema zahteva, i u roku od 15 dana od dana dostavljanja rešenja vrši refundaciju PDV na dinarski račun Kupca stana.

Obrasci koji vam trebaju:

Saveti Ažurirano 20.02.2018
All tips

Purchase of the first apartment with cash benefits and VAT refund

When buying a property located in a new residential building, you will encounter the payment of taxes: value-added tax (VAT).

The first apartment is considered to be the apartment, i.e. – the ownership share in the apartment, as well as the ownership share in the family residential building – purchased by a person who does not have, and did not have real estate or ownership share in real estate, starting from July 1, 2006.

The law prescribes benefits for buyers of the first apartment for apartments in new construction. If you are buying an apartment in a new building, then you are obliged to pay value-added tax (VAT), which according to the latest amendments to the Law, is 10%. Value added tax is paid exclusively when buying the first apartment in a new building, because in that way you are the buyer of the final product that was „created“ by the investor. Besides that, it is necessary that the agreed price of the apartment with VAT is paid in full to the seller, with the obligatory payment of money to the investor’s account.

If you buy your first apartment (in a new building) directly from the investor, you will be exempt from paying taxes on the transfer of absolute rights, and thus you are able to claim a VAT refund (which you paid through the purchase price).

The exemption is related to the square footage of the apartment, i.e., the buyer of the first apartment is exempt from paying taxes for the area of ​​the apartment up to 40 m2 and for members of their family household (who from July 1, 2006, did not own or co-own real estate in the Republic of Serbia) up to 15 m2. for each member. A family household means all members of one household (spouses, children, parents of the buyer, parents of the spouse…) with the same residence and address as the buyer of the first apartment. If the buyer of the first apartment buys an apartment with an area of ​​e.g., 70m², will have a VAT refund of only 40m², while the remaining 30 square meters of the apartment will be able to receive a refund based on members of their household (15m² for each member), provided that none of them had any property in their own. Also, if you are at the time of buying your first apartment, you also received a VAT refund based on members of your family household (children, spouse, parents), you must know that none of them will be entitled to a VAT refund in the future when buying their own apartment.

The taxpayer for the purpose of exercising the right to tax exemption, along with the documentation, submits a certified statement of the buyer to buy the first apartment for himself, or for himself and certain members of his family household, as well as other evidence from which it follows that the conditions for release on the basis provided by the buyer of the first apartment have been met.

The application is submitted to the tax authority in the municipality on whose territory the company that is the Seller of the apartment is located.

The request for a VAT refund to the buyer of the first apartment is submitted on the RFN Form.

The following documentation is submitted in the application:

  • Request – RFN form 
  • Certified statement of the buyer to buy the first apartment – IKPS VAT form 
  • Photocopy of the building permit – owned by the seller of the apartment
  • Purchase contract – original or certified copy
  • Seller’s invoice with the VAT – original or certified copy
  • Evidence that the apartment has been paid in full – if the seller is a legal entity – the seller’s bank statement certified by a bank stamp 
  • Confirmation of the seller that the apartment has been paid in full – original or certified copy
  • Birth certificate – original or certified copy
  • Certificate of citizenship – original or certified copy
  • Copy of ID card – certified
  • Certificate of movement of residence from July 1, 2016 – issued by the MUP (Ministry of Interior)
  • A certificate that the buyer does not own the property from 01.07.2016 – issued in the tax department according to the place of residence of the buyer – for Kragujevac in the street Branka Radičevića 9 (Svetlosti building) and at the counter number 3 of the Tax Administration
  • Copy of the current account card of the applicant 
  • Certificate of the Real Estate Cadastre that the buyer does not own real estate

If the application also refers to household members listed in the request – it is necessary to obtain forms, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 14 for each listed member. For a minor child, only forms 8 and 9 are needed, as well as a certificate of registered residence from the competent Ministry of the Interior (MUP).

After checking the fulfillment of the conditions for VAT refund, the competent tax authority decides on the request by a decision within 30 days from the day of receipt of the request, and within 15 days from the date of delivery of the decision refunds VAT to the dinar account of the Buyer.

Forms you need: