Vesti Ažurirano 20.02.2018
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Grading – vaš partner za sigurnu budućnost!

Dobra lokacija, kvalitetna gradnja, infrastrukturna podrška – stanovi koje Grading gradi su siguran izbor za sve one koji žele da žive svoje snove. Grading se prilikom donošenja odluka o konkretnom investicionom objektu rukovodi istim onim pitanjima koja Vi sebi postavljate kada krenete u kupovinu stana:

  • Da li je baš to dobra lokacija za zgradu i za život?
  • Kakva je struktura stanova?
Stanovi na prodaju

Panorama Erdoglija

  • Koji su najbolji materijali za rad trenutno na tržištu?
  • Kakvo je grejanje?
  • A keramika?

Kada radimo na osmišljavanju i izvođenju radova, pitamo se da li bi mi sami kupili stan u toj zgradi. Tek kad je odgovor pozitivan i kada sa sigurnošću možemo da kažemo Da, ovo bi bio moj stan za sigurnu budućnost, mi počinjemo da gradimo.

Ne gradimo stihijski, niti “po kalupu”, već pažljivo snimamo i procenjujemo lokaciju i okolinu, praveći projekte koji neće narušiti postojeći sklad već će, i na prvi pogled, delovati kao da je zgrada na tom mestu oduvek.

Stanovi od 30, 40, 50 kvadrata, ili za one koji proširuju svoju porodicu – veći od 60, 70, 80 kvadrata, svi su izgrađeni po istom standardu kvaliteta, i po meri čoveka, to je ono što možete da očekujete od Gradingovih zgrada. Da bismo naše stanove učinili dostupnim svima onima koji ih žele, omogućili smo i kupovinu putem stambenih kredita.

Miran kraj, neposredna blizina škola i obdaništa, mali ili veliki stan , na Vama je samo da izaberete nas i pronašli ste Vašeg partnera za sigurnu budućnost. Mi ne prodajemo tuđih ruku delo, već ono u šta smo sami uložili sebe,  timskim radom izgradili i garantujemo Vam da birajući Gradingove stanove nećete pogrešiti.

Vesti Ažurirano 20.02.2018
All tips

Grading – your partner for a secure future!

Good location, quality construction, infrastructural support – the apartments that Grading is building are a secure choice for all those who want to live their dreams. When making decisions about a specific investment object, Grading is guided by the same questions that you ask yourself when you start buying an apartment:

  • Is this a good location for a building and for living?
  • What is the structure of apartments?
  • What are the best work materials currently on the market?
  • How is the heating?
  • And ceramics?

When we work on the design and execution of works, we wonder if we would buy an apartment in that building ourselves. Only when the answer is positive and when we can say with certainty Yes, this would be my apartment for a secure future, we start building.

We do not build spontaneously, or „according to the mold“, but we carefully record and assess the location and surroundings, making projects that will not disrupt the existing harmony, but will, at first glance, seem like the building has always been there.

Apartments of 30, 40, 50 square meters, or for those who are expanding their family – larger than 60, 70, 80 square meters, are all built to the same standard of quality and tailored to man, that’s what you can expect from Grading’s buildings. In order to make our apartments accessible to all those who want them, we have also enabled the purchase through housing loans.

Quiet area, close to schools and kindergartens, small or large apartment, your task is to simply choose us and you have found your partner for a secure future. We do not sell the work of others, but what we have invested in by ourselves, built through teamwork, and we guarantee that you will not make a mistake when choosing Grading’s apartments.