Saveti Ažurirano 20.02.2018
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Kako da uredite kuhinju?

Kuhinje su oduvek bile duša porodičnog doma, a poslednih godina su u trendu kao trening-centri novih tv zvezda – svetski poznatih kuvara. Kako je urediti?

Za početak, gledajte funkcionalnost. Pri uređenju kuhinje najvažniji je raspored elemenata. Važno je da odredite gde će vam biti sudopera, frižider i pećnica (šporet). Ovi elementi moraju biti blizu jedni drugima da bi se olakšalo kretanje po kuhinji, ali ne spojeni (zbog različitih funkcija koje obavljalju – hlađenje/grejanje). Setite se i svih drugih stvari koje smatrate neophodnim, kako ne biste za par meseci poželeli kuhinjski aparat koji nemate gde da smestite.

Kada napravite raspored koji vam najviše odgovara, pređite na boje… Boje su od presudnog značaja, jer one su te koje određuju „temperaturu“ i stil vašeg kuhinjskog prostora. Kada su u pitanju boje u modernim kuhinjama, raspon je od jarkih pa sve do neutralnih. Prilikom kombinacije boja za kuhinju nemojte zaboraviti na boju frižidera, šporeta kao i drugih aparata.

Stanovi na prodaju

Panorama Erdoglija

Kao podne obloge mogu se koristiti  tarket, keramičke pločice, ,laminat… Najvažnija stvar je da pod bude lak za održavanja zbog prisustva vlage i prljanja, i da se estetski dobro uklopi sa ostatkom prostora. Svetle, pastelne boje s primesama bele povećavaju prostor, a jarke boje oživljavaju mini kuhinju.

U kuhinji se od materijala najčešće koriste lakirane površine, matirana stakla, nerđajući čelik, hrom i drvo. Birajte materijale koji trpe vodu i vlagu. Materijali koji se koriste za izradu nameštaja i radne ploče mogu da budu kombinacija iverice, furniranog i bojenog medijapana, drveta, inoksa, stakla, granita itd.

Prilikom odabira nameštaja za kuhinju, ne smemo misliti samo na estetski dojam nego  više na organizaciju kuhinje. Za početak nabavite niske ormariće (čija gornja površina služi kao radna ploča) i popularne viseće ormariće.

Jedan od predloga je da sa unutrašnje strane kuhinjskog ormarića okačite ono što svakodnevno koristite prilikom kuvanja.  Ukolliko imate kuhinjski ormar, u njega možete da stavite šipku na kojoj će da vise tiganji ili manje šerpe, a ispod će vam ostati prostor za još sudova. Viseće ili podne police i ormari neka vam budu lako dostupni. Ako imate mesta, produžite viseće ormariće sve do plafona – više polica, manje čišćenja prašine. Umesto dubokih polica, koristite fioke i ormariće na izvlačenje.

Rasveta je takođe bitan element u kuhinji. Radna ploča mora biti dobro osvetljena. Ugrađena svetla u plafonu mogu biti lep dodatak modernoj kuhinji, a led trake ispod visećih kuhinjskih elemenata  će osvetliti radnu površinu i povećati prostor. U nastavku Vam predlažemo nekoliko detalja koje mogu doneti svež i orginalan izgled kuhinji:

  1. Potražite različite i neobične drške. Metal, drvo i keramika su uobičajeni izbori za drške i ručice tako da izborom nečega pomalo neobičnog možete uneti vaš lični stil u kuhinju. Probajte kako se kožne ručice  savršeno uklapaju sa drvenim fiokama . Takođe dobićete i element iznenađenja svakome ko ovo primeti.
  2. Bakarna sudopera. Bakar je veoma popularan materijal, koji se u kuhinji koristi od davnina. Često se koristi za lonce i šerpe, ali ga možete iskoristiti i za sudoperu. Skromnija od mermerne ali i dalje stilizovana, bakarna sudopera je nesvakidašnji ali odličan izbor.
  3. Dodajte više svetla. Kuhinje obično imaju već ugrađene sijalice iznad šporeta i mesta za pripremanje hrane. Ipak, dodavanjem jednostavne lampe na pult ili sto možete dati sasvim drugačiji osećaj prostoriji.
  4. Detalji od nerđajućeg čelika. Nerđajući čelik je sjajan materijal za pult i često se koristi u profesionalnim kuhinjama. Nerđajući čelik u kombinaciji sa keramičkim pločicama i ormarićima od iverice daje kuhinji blag i uredan izgled.
  5. Dodajte nešto staromodno. Spajanje savremenog i staromodnog nameštaja je stil koji se često koristi i može odlilčno da izgleda u svim prostorijama. Okačite staromodnu policu sa začinima koja dopunjuje savremenu komodu. Ovo će dati vašoj kuhinji lični pečat, da ne pominjemo i da izgleda odlično.
  6. Koristite sveže začine. Saksije sa svežim začinima unose dodatnu energiju u kuhinju i idealne su za dodatnu dekoraciju oko prozora . Ako nemate dovoljno prostora na vašem pultu, možete okačiti jednostavnu policu sa začinima na zid.

I na kraju prilagodite kuhinju sebi, a ne sebe kuhinji.

Saveti Ažurirano 20.02.2018
All tips

How to arrange a kitchen?

Kitchens have always been the soul of the family home, and in recent years they have been in trend as training centers for new TV stars – world-famous chefs. How to arrange it?

For starters, look at functionality. When arranging the kitchen, the arrangement of the elements is the most important. It is important to determine where your sink, refrigerator, and oven (stove) will be. These elements must be close to each other to facilitate movement around the kitchen, but not connected (due to the different functions they perform – cooling/heating). Remember all the other things you consider necessary so that you don’t want a kitchen appliance that you have nowhere to store in a couple of months.

When you make the layout that suits you best, switch to colors… Colors are crucial because they determine the „temperature“ and style of your kitchen space. When it comes to colors in modern kitchens, the range is from bright to neutral. When combining colors for the kitchen, do not forget about the color of the refrigerator, stove, and other appliances.

Tarkett, ceramic tiles, and laminate can be used as floor coverings… The most important thing is that the floor is easy to maintain due to the presence of moisture and dirt and that it fits aesthetically well with the rest of the space. Bright, pastel colors with hints of white increase the space, and bright colors enliven the mini kitchen.

Varnished surfaces, frosted glass, stainless steel, chrome, and wood are most often used in the kitchen. Choose materials that tolerate water and moisture. Materials used to make furniture and worktops can be a combination of plywood, veneered and painted MDF, wood, stainless steel, glass, granite, etc.

When choosing furniture for the kitchen, we must not think only of the aesthetic impression but more of the organization of the kitchen. For starters, get low cabinets (whose top surface serves as a worktop) and popular hanging cabinets.

One of the suggestions is to hang what you use every day when cooking on the inside of the kitchen cabinet. If you have a kitchen cabinet, you can put a bar in it on which to hang pans or smaller pots, and you will have space for more dishes underneath. Hanging shelves or floor shelves and cabinets should be easily accessible to you. If you have space, extend the hanging cabinets all the way to the ceiling – more shelves, less dusting. Use drawers and pull-out cabinets instead of deep shelves.

Lighting is also an important element in the kitchen. The worktop must be well lit. Built-in lights in the ceiling can be a nice addition to a modern kitchen, and LED strips under the hanging kitchen elements will illuminate the work surface and increase the space. Below we suggest a few details that can bring a fresh and original look to the kitchen:

  1. Look for different and unusual handles. Metal, wood, and ceramics are common choices for handles, so by choosing something a bit unusual you can bring your personal style into the kitchen. Try how leather handles fit perfectly with wooden drawers. You will also get an element of surprise for anyone who notices this.
  2. Copper sink. Copper is a very popular material, which has been used in the kitchen since ancient times. It is often used for pots and pans, but you can also use it for the sink. More modest than marble but still stylized, the copper sink is an unusual but great choice.
  3. Add more light. Kitchens usually have built-in light bulbs above the stove and places for preparing food. However, by adding a simple lamp to the counter or table, you can give a completely different feeling to the room.
  4. Stainless steel details. Stainless steel is a great material for countertops and is often used in professional kitchens. Stainless steel in combination with ceramic tiles and plywood cabinets gives the kitchen a mild and tidy look.
  5. Add something old-fashioned. Combining modern and old-fashioned furniture is a style that is often used and can look great in all rooms. Hang an old-fashioned shelf with spices that complements the modern dresser. This will give your kitchen a personal touch, not to mention it will look great.
  6. Use fresh spices. Pots with fresh spices bring extra energy to the kitchen and are ideal for additional decoration around the window. If you do not have enough space on your counter, you can hang a simple shelf with spices on the wall.
  7. And finally, adapt the kitchen to yourself, not yourself to the kitchen.