Saveti Ažurirano 20.02.2018
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Kako da organizujete mali stan?

Boje zidova

Kada su u pitanju stanovi manjih kvadratura, izbor boja za zidove je od izuzetne važnosti za uređivanje stana. Nećete pogrešiti ako sve prostorije ofarbate jednom nijansom , jer se na taj način postiže efekat kontinuiranog prostora. Preporuka je da to budu blagi tonovi koji neće činiti prostorije manjim nego što jesu. Ukoliko odaberete svetliju paletu tonova, prostor će biti svetao i delovaće prostranije. Ako se odlučite za kombinaciju „jačih“ boja, obratite pažnju na slaganje boja, ali neka ne bude više od dve boje.

Podne obloge

U malim stanovima je najbolje da pod bude isti u celom stanu. U kuhinjskom delu i kupitalu, bilo bi idealno odabrati pločice manjih dimenzija jer se bolje mogu uklopiti u mali prostor. Ako se odlučite za parket ili laminat za ostatak stana, savetujemo da isti bude tamnije i punije boje, jer ostavlja utisak prostranosti. Obratite pažnju da tekstura poda ne bude suviše šarena i razigrana!


Za manje stanove idealan je multifunkcionalan nameštaj: garniture sa mehanizmom za izvlačenje i  kutijom za posteljinu, kreveti na sprat, sklopivi radni stolovi, fotelja koja se rasteže u krevet…  Treba izbegavati velike i masivne komade nameštaja.

Osvetljenost stana

Lepo je da mali stanovi imaju puno prirodne svetlosti , ali ako to nije slučaj, vi ga možete vizuelno povećati sa nekoliko strateški raspoređenih lampi (hodnik, kuhinja, otvorene police), i sa dobro pozicioniranim ogledalima zbog reflektovanja svetlosti. Nemojte stavljati velike lustere koji mogu „ometati prolazak” kroz stan.

Stanovi na prodaju

Panorama Erdoglija


U malom stanu prostora uvek fali, ali to možete kompenzovati vertikalnim policama tj. policama na zidu koje se protežu skroz do plafona . Automatski oslobađate prostor u donjim delovima za druga rešenja i dodatne komade nameštaja koji su Vam neophodni.

P.S. U malim prostorima treba izbegavati intenzivne i dominatne uzorke na tapetama, prekrivačima i tkaninama, jer će smanjiti prostor.

Saveti Ažurirano 20.02.2018
All tips

How to organize a small apartment?

Wall colors

When it comes to apartments of smaller sizes, the choice of colors for the walls is extremely important for decorating the apartment. You will not make a mistake if you paint all the rooms with one shade, because in that way the effect of continuous space is achieved. It is recommended that these are mild shades that will not make the rooms smaller than they are. If you choose a lighter palette of tones, the space will be brighter and will look more spacious. If you decide on a combination of „stronger“ colors, pay attention to color matching, but do not be more than two colors.

Floor coverings

In small apartments, it is best to have the same floor for the whole apartment. In the kitchen and bathroom, it would be ideal to choose tiles of smaller dimensions because they can better fit into a small space. If you decide on parquet or laminate for the rest of the apartment, we advise it to be darker and richer in color, because it leaves the impression of spaciousness. Make sure the texture of the floor is not too colorful and playful!


Multifunctional furniture is ideal for smaller apartments: sets with pull-out mechanism and linen box, bunk beds, folding desks, armchairs that extends into the bed… Large and massive pieces of furniture should be avoided.

Apartment lighting

It is a nice thing that the small apartments have a lot of natural light, but if that is not the case, you can visually enlarge it with several strategically placed lamps (hallway, kitchen, open shelves), and well-positioned mirrors to reflect light. Do not place large chandeliers that can „obstruct“ the passage through the apartment.


There is always a lack of space in a small apartment, but you can compensate for that with vertical shelves, i.e., shelves on the wall that extend all the way to the ceiling. You will automatically free up space in the lower parts for other solutions and additional pieces of furniture that you need.

P.S. In small spaces, you should avoid intense and dominant patterns on wallpaper, blankets, and fabrics, because it will reduce the space.