Izgradnja Ažurirano 30.12.2021
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Materijali koji bi mogli da zamene beton

Da li uopšte postoji zamena za beton? Da li bi ta, alternativa za beton, mogla da podnese sve što može i ovaj, nezaobilazni materijal koji se u građevini koristi kao osnova, još od šestote godine naše ere.

Izgleda da je moguće… 

Novo vreme, rađa nove potrebe u društvu, među kojima se najpre ističe potreba da manje utičemo na životnu sredinu, pa i da je zaštitimo od nas samih.

Tako su “rođene” nove vrste građevinskih materijala; ekološki podobnija rešenja za smanjenje emisije štetnih gasova, odnosno – alternativa za beton za koji se procenjuje da je odgovoran za oko 7% emisije ugljen-dioksida na svetu

Beton, iako najkorišćeniji, postao je i najodgovorniji za zagađenost, stoga mora biti zamenjen u budućnosti. Međutim, zamena za beton još uvek u nedovoljnoj meri zastupljena.

Šta je beton, kako nastaje i koliko šteti prirodi i ljudima?

Beton je drugi najkorišćeniji materijal na svetu, nakon vode. Procenjuje se da skoro 70% ljudske populacije živi na betonu. Zahvaljujući njegovoj izdržljivosti, odvajkada se koristi za izgradnju stambenih zgrada, mostova, puteva, vodovoda i sl.

Godišnje se proizvede (napravi) preko 20 milijardi tona betona, što ubrzano rasplamsava razmišljanja o uticaju betona na emisiju štetnih gasova, posebno jer zahteva veliku količinu različitih prirodnih resursa kako bi se proizveo. 

Globalno zagrevanje je još jedan od razloga zašto je revolucija građevinskih materijala tema broj 1 ukoliko želimo opstanak.

Beton se dobija mešavinom cementa, šljunka, peska i vode. Upravo je cement najveći krivac za zagađenje. Cement se dobija iz kalcijuma, koji se obično oslobađa sagorevanjem krečnjaka.

Da li je alternativa za beton uopše moguća

Svuda oko nas su glina, šljunak, pesak, kamen i druge od sirovina koje će večito biti na ovoj planeti. Mešavina ovaih materijala često sadrži reaktivnu supstancu neophodnu za formulu betona.

Zidanje betonom je oduvek bilo prisutno u građevini kao odličan vid gradnje jer je beton izdržljiv i dugotrajan

Ipak, došlo je vreme da prestanemo da se oslanjamo na ono što je najrasprostranjenije u upotrebi/mešavini betona – a to je cement.

Cement iziskuje veliku količinu energije da bi se napravio. Sa druge strane, stvaranje ekoloških veziva može pomoći industriji u razvijanju novog pogleda na drevne vrste građevinskog materijala i procesa gradnje.

Zamene za beton – od prirodnih do laboratorijski “izgrađenih”

Naći novu svrhu materijalima koji se smatraju otpadom je izuzetno pametan potez ukoliko težimo održivoj gradnji

Naučnici su svesni problema koji potrošnja betona ima na prirodu, i odlučni su u nameri da se napravi idealna zamena za beton.

Predstavićemo vam samo neke od prirodnih i laboratorijski osmišljenih alternativa za beton, pa ćemo zajedno razmisliti da li ti materijali uopšte imaju “budućnost”.

Alternativa za beton – Reciklirana plastika

Najveći otpad danas dolazi od plastike; a plastika nije razgradiva u svom konačnom obliku. Međutim, plastika se lako (relativno lako) reciklira. 

Tako reciklirana plastika, može se koristiti kao jedan od vezivnih materijala za proizvodnju betona.

Iako beton sa primesama plastike neće biti snažan kao “ranije”,ovo rešenje je prihvatljiva i “ekofrendli” alternativa za beton.

Kompozitni cement kao zamena za beton

Kompozitni beton je potencijalno najstabilnija zamena za beton, a i zahteva manje energije i drugih resursa da bi se proizveo. 

Kompozitni beton je dokazan, i trenutno najbolji način da se zidovi ojačaju, ali i da im se obezbedi vatronepropusnost, zvučna izolacija, i visok stepen otpora na razne, unutrašnje, i atmosferske promene.

“Zeleni beton” od reciklirane plastike, stakla i papira

Evo još jednog načina da se reciklažom dođe do alternativa za beton, i smanji uticaj emisije štetnih gasova. Papirna vlakna (tanka drvena vlakna), plastični otpad i stakleni otpad preradom mogu dati gradivni materijal za beton koji bi postao “zeleni”.

Reciklirano staklo je veoma inertan ali irazito primenjiv materijal koji može poslužiti za davanje čvrstine našem budućem betonu. Staklo se može reciklirati mnogo puta, bez bojazni da će se njegove hemijske karakteristike promeniti.

“Fibrozni” beton ili beton od papira dobija se korišćenjem otpadnog (recikliranog) kartona. Iako ne može u potpunosti zameniti celokupnu smesu tradicionalnog betona, dovoljno je pomenuti ga u borbi protiv nuspojava proizvodnje betona.

“Mikrosilika” – zamena za beton nastala proizvodnjom silikona

Mikrosilika je ultrafini prah nastao kao subprodukt proizvodnje silikonskih materijala, kondenzacijom silikon dioksida. Smatra se da može postati alternativa za beton u procentu od 7% do 12%.

Možda nije mnogo, ali u kombinaciji sa još nekim “ekološkim” materijalima, mikrosilika ima dobru šansu. Takođe, ovaj materijal je posebno koristan ukoliko želimo da naša zamena za beton bude izdržljiva.

“Finite” – “Pustinjski pesak” kao ekološka alternativa za dva problema

Finite je materijal koji ima mehaničke karakteristike kao i beton, ali ostavlja upola manji ugljenični otisak.

Takođe, ova potencijalna zamena za beton je biorazgradiva. Finite se dobija od pustinjskog peska – resursa koji se do sada bio praktično neprimetan u građevini zbog preterano male granulacije (mnogo je sitan).

Finite je kao zamena za beton razvijen na Imperial koledžu u Londonu, i njegov naziv znači “krajnji”, “konačni”.

A zašto? Pa, iako građevina nije bila orna da prihvati pustinjski pesak kao deo grandje, on se i te kako mnogo eksploatiše za proizvodnju stakla i pravljenje mikročipova.

U tim industrijama je toliko nezamenjiv, da počinje da vlada oskudica na svetskim razmerama.

Pesak se masovno iskopava sa obala reka i dna mora, čime se pravi velika šteta životnoj sredini.

  • Finite je tu da ponudi rešenje za oba problema, i da postane zamena za beton, i da zameni pravi pesak (pustinjski, sitni pesak).

Mikroarmirani beton rešava nekoliko problema na gradilištu

Mikroarmirani betoni omogućavaju značajne uštede u vremenu i troškovima izgradnje. Ukoliko potpuno zameni klasičnu armaturu, ova zamena za beton može skoro u potpunosti eliminisati potrebu za armiračkim radovima, čime se znatno ubrzava izgradnja, i smanjuje potreba za radnom snagom.

Pronalazak adekvatnih zamena za beton je dobro rešenje naročito za mesta gde su prirodni resursi ograničeni.

Dosadašnji koncepti i napori da se do relevantnog rešenja dođe, zasnivaju se na ideji da se odbačeni beton kombinuje sa nekoliko relativno svuda dostupnih elemenata, kao što su:

  1. Ugljen-dioksidom iz industrijskih izduvnih gasova ili vazduha
  2. Drvetom (bambus i dr.)
  3. Pomenutim reciklažnim materijalima (staklo, karton, plastika…)
  4. Silikatnim materijalima

Međutim, za sada, nijedna od alternativa za beton ne može da zameni standardni beton. Nijedna primesa nije toliko jaka.

Da sažmemo našu priču o potencijalnim alternativama za beton

Iako još uvek nemamo najbolju, i najsigurniju zamenu za beton, treba imati u vidu da smo praktično tek na početku.

Ostaje da se vidi kako će se određeni građevinski materijali ponašati u betonu korišćenom za manje građevinske projekte: poput malih kuća i sl.

Uzimajući u obzir da je beton najrasprostranjeniji građevinski materijal, cementne mešavine sa materijalima o kojima smo govorili, mogu imati veliki uticaj na okruženje i u značajno doprineti postizanju cilja – održivoj gradnji, poput one opisane u LEED standardizaciji zelenih zgrada.

O zelenoj gradnji Grading je pisao u skorašnjem blogu. Ne propustite da se informišete.

LINK: Zelena gradnja u Srbiji – Šta je održiva gradnja i koje su njene prednosti?

Podsticanje arhitekata i graditelja da u svom radu koriste nove materijale predstavlja izazov, a tim kompanije Grading, uveliko uspeva u toj nameri.

Izgradnja Ažurirano 30.12.2021
All tips

Materials that could replace concrete

Is there a substitute for concrete at all? Could this, an alternative to concrete, withstand this inescapable material, which has been used in construction as a basis, since the sixth year of our era?

It seems that it is possible…

New times deliver new needs in society, among which the need to influence the environment less, and even to protect it from ourselves, stand out first.

Thus, new types of building materials were „born“; more environmentally friendly solutions reduce harmful gas emissions, that is – an alternative to concrete which is estimated to be responsible for about 7% of carbon dioxide emissions in the world.

Concrete, although the most used, has become the most responsible for pollution, so it must be replaced in the future. However, concrete replacement is still not so attainable.

What is concrete, how is it made and how much does it harm nature and people?

Concrete is the second most used material in the world, after water. It is estimated that almost 70% of the human population lives on concrete. Thanks to its durability, it has always been used for the construction of residential buildings, bridges, roads, waterworks, etc.

Over 20 billion tons of concrete are produced (made) annually, which quickly inflames thoughts about the impact of concrete on the emission of harmful gases, especially since it requires a large amount of various natural resources in order to produce it.

Global warming is another reason why the building materials revolution is the number one topic if we want to survive.

Concrete is obtained by a mixture of cement, gravel, sand, and water. Cement is the biggest culprit for pollution. Cement is obtained from calcium, which is usually released by burning limestone.

Is an alternative to concrete possible at all?

All around us are the clay, gravel, sand, stone, and other raw materials that will last forever on this planet. The mixture of these materials often contains the reactive substance necessary for the concrete formula.

Concrete masonry has always been present in construction as an excellent type of construction because concrete is durable and long-lasting.

However, the time has come to stop relying on what is most common in the use/mix of concrete – and that is cement.

Cement requires a large amount of energy to make. On the other hand, the creation of ecological binders can help the industry to develop a new view of ancient types of construction materials and construction processes.

Concrete substitutes – from the natural ones to the ones „constructed“ in the laboratory 

Finding a new purpose for materials that are considered waste is an extremely smart move if we strive for sustainable construction.

Scientists are aware of the problems that the consumption of concrete has on nature, and they are determined to make an ideal replacement for concrete.

We will introduce you to just some of the natural and laboratory-designed alternatives to concrete, so we will consider together whether these materials have a „future“ at all.

Concrete Alternative – Recycled Plastics

The biggest waste today comes from plastic, and plastic is not degradable in its final form. However, plastics are easy (relatively easy) to recycle.

Thus, recycled plastic can be used as one of the binders for concrete production.

Although concrete with plastic elements will not be as strong as „before“, this solution is an acceptable and „eco-friendly“ alternative to concrete.

Composite cement as a replacement for concrete

Composite concrete is potentially the most stable replacement for concrete, and also requires less energy and other resources to produce.

Composite concrete is proven, and currently, the best way to strengthen walls, but also to provide them with fire resistance, sound insulation, and a high degree of resistance to various, internal, and atmospheric changes.

„Green concrete“, made of recycled plastic, glass, and paper

Here’s another way to recycle alternatives to concrete, and reduce the impact of emissions. Paper fibers (thin wood fibers), plastic waste, and glass waste can, by processing, give a building material for concrete that would become „green“.

Recycled glass is a very inert but highly applicable material that can serve to give strength to our future concrete. Glass can be recycled many times, without fear that its chemical characteristics will change.

„Fibrous“ concrete or paper concrete is obtained by using waste (recycled) cardboard. Although it cannot completely replace the entire mixture of traditional concrete, it is enough to mention it in the fight against the side effects of concrete production.

„Microsilica“ – a replacement for concrete created by the production of silicone

Microsilica is an ultrafine powder formed as a by-product of the production of silicone materials, by the condensation of silicon dioxide. It is considered that it can become an alternative to concrete in the percentage of 7% to 12%.

It may not be much, but in combination with some other „environmentally friendly“ materials, microsilica has a good chance. Also, this material is especially useful if we want our concrete replacement to be durable.

Finite“ – „Desert sand“ as an ecological alternative to two problems

Finite is a material that has mechanical properties like concrete but leaves half the carbon footprint.

Also, this potential replacement for concrete is biodegradable. The fines were obtained from desert sand – a resource that has been practically invisible in construction so far due to excessively small granulation (it is very small).

Finite was developed as a replacement for concrete at Imperial College in London, and its name means „ultimate„, „last„.

And why? Well, although the building was not willing to accept desert sand as part of the construction, it is being exploited a lot for the production of glass and making microchips.

It is so irreplaceable in those industries that world scarcity is beginning to reign.

Sand is being massively excavated from river banks and seabeds, causing great damage to the environment.

  • Finite is here to offer a solution to both problems, to become a substitute for concrete, and to replace real sand (desert, fine sand).

Micro-reinforced concrete solves several problems on the construction site

Micro-reinforced concrete enables significant savings in time and construction costs. If it completely replaces the classic reinforcement, this replacement for concrete can almost completely eliminate the need for reinforcement work, which significantly speeds up construction, and reduces the need for labor.

Finding adequate substitutes for concrete is a good solution, especially for places where natural resources are limited.

Previous concepts and efforts to reach a relevant solution are based on the idea of ​​combining discarded concrete with several relatively ubiquitous elements, such as:

  • Carbon dioxide from industrial exhaust gases or air
  • Wood (bamboo, etc.) 
  • The mentioned recycled materials (glass, cardboard, plastic…)
  • Silicate materials

However, for now, none of the alternatives to concrete can replace standard concrete. No impurity is so strong.

To summarize our story of potential alternatives for concrete

Although we still do not have the best, and safest replacement for concrete, we should keep in mind that we are practically just at the beginning.

It remains to be seen how certain construction materials will behave in the concrete used for smaller construction projects: such as small houses and the like.

Considering that concrete is the most widespread building material, cement mixtures with the materials we talked about can have a great impact on the environment and significantly contribute to achieving the goal – sustainable construction, such as that described in the LEED standardization of green buildings.

Grading wrote about green building in a recent blog. Be sure to keep yourselves informed.

LINK: Green building in Serbia – What is sustainable construction and what are its advantages?

Encouraging architects and builders to use new materials in their work is a challenge, and the Grading team is very successful in that endeavor.