Saveti Ažurirano 17.12.2021
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Šta je stambena zajednica, kako se formira i kako utiče na stanare?

Stambena zajednica je pravno telo koje se formira kako bi se održavanje i upravljanje stambenim zgradama olakšalo i približilo svim vlansicima/korisnicima stanova. 

Stambena zajednica je i odličan način za sprečavanje i/ili otklanjanje potencijalnih opasnosti u zgradi, a koje mogu nepovoljno uticati na život i zdravlje stanara, sredinu u kojoj žice, pa i privredu.

Stambena zajednica predstavlja jedan od elemenata održivog razvoja stanovanja i kao telo od javnog interesa regulisana je Zakonom o stanovanju i održavanju zgrada zgrada.

Svaka stambena zgrada se od 31.12.2016. upisuje u stambeni registar kao zajednica, dodeljuje joj se status pravnog lica i sve što se dešava uokviru nje, propisano je pravilima o održavanju stambenih zgrada.

Više o tim pravilima, kao i o tome šta je stambena zajednica i kako ona utiče na stanare – Grading otkriva u redovima ispod.

Šta je stambena zajednica i kako se formira

Stambena zajednica je organizacija svih vlasnika posebnih jedinica (stan, poslovni prostor, garaža, garažno mesto ili boks) stambene ili stambeno-poslovne zgrade.

Samo vlasnici mogu da se upišu u stambeni registar i formiraju zajednicu koja nadalje ima status pravnog lica. Kao takva, stambena zajednica mora da imati:

  1. Registrovan matični broj (izdat od strane Republičkog zavoda za statistiku)
  2. PIB (Izdat u Poreskoj upravi)
  3. Tekući račun (U bilo kojoj poslovnoj banci)
  4. Poslovni naziv 

Skupština stanara i upravnik zgrade

Nakon što se obavi registracija stambene zajednice, određuju se njeni obavezni organi: Skupština stanara (stanari i vlasnici) i Upravnik zgrade

Sednica skupštine održava se najmanje dva puta godišnje, a zakazuje je upravnik, kojem mandat traje četiri godine. 

Na sastanku stambene zajednice se rešava nekoliko bitnih pitanja za stambenu zajednicu, poput:

  • Izbora i/ili razrešenja upravnika, odnosno izbora profesionalnog upravnika
  • Određuje se visina mesečnog troška za održavanje zgrade i troškova rada upravnika
  • Određuju se naknade za investiciono održavanje zajedničkih delova zgrade: npr. popravka fasade, krečenje hodnika, zamena oštećenih pločica itd.

Moderne stambene zgrade

Kako se formira stambena zajednica

Kada je u pitanju stambena zajednica zakon je praktično olakšao automatizaciju procesa kao što je registracija stambene zajednice, odnosno njen upis u registar stambenih zajednica.

Čim (barem) dva stana (poslovna prostora ili garaža) u zgradi dobiju vlasnika, zgrada automatski postaje zajednica.

LINK: Zašto je stan uvek investicija broj 1?

Da bi ta stambena zajednica bila funkcionalna, vlasnici stanova (ili (pod)stanari) postaju deo skupštine stanara i biraju ko će biti upravnik zgrade, koji dalje vodi računa o pravnom i funkcionalnom delu “poslovanja”. 

Pravo glasa u Skupštini stambene zajednice 

Pravo glasa u skupštini ima svaki vlasnik posebnog dela zgrade. Ukoliko ste vlasnik više posebnih delova u zgradi, imate onoliko glasova koliko posebnih delova posedujete.


Samo vlasnici stanova i poslovnih prostora imaju glas. Ukoliko ste vlasnik garaže, garažnog mesta ili boksa – nemate poseban glas po osnovu svojine.

Šta ako je vlasnik stana “nedostupan” ili ne dolazi u “sednicu”? 

Vlasnik posebnog dela stambene zgrade će se smatrati nedostupnim ukoliko se tri puta uzastopno ne odazove na sednicu Skupštine stanara, na koju je uredno pozvan, i da pri tome nije obavestio upravnika, odnosno stambenu zajednicu o izostanku. 

Glas vlasnika koji je nedostupan ili nije prisutan se ne uračunava u “kvorum”, odnosno u ukupan broj glasova u postupku odlučivanja. 

Poziv na sednicu stanara

Uredan način za pozivanje vlasnika na sednicu stambene zajednice izgleda tako što upravnik zgrade jasno istakne obaveštenje o sednici, na vidnom mestu u zgradi (obično hodnik, ulazna vrata, lift i sl.). Tada se prilaže dnevni red, mesto održavanja i satnica.

Kako stambena zajednica utiče na stanare

Činjenica je da se stanari ne odazivaju često na sednice stambene skupštine. Međutim, koliko god vam ove obaveze izgledale kao opterećenje i nešto na šta ne želite da trošite svoje vreme, sigurno ste saglasni sa tim da zgrada u kojoj stanujete treba da bude podnošljivo i prijatno mesto za život

Nemojte ignorisati svoju stambenu zajednicu čiji ste deo i po zakonu, i po čistoj logici jer živite uokviru nje.

Stambena zajednica je tu radi očuvanja i unapređenja stambenog fonda kroz efikasno organizovanje održavanja.

Stambena zajednica čuva bezbednost u zgradama, i utvrđuje pravila kojima se vlasnicima ne ugrožavaju prava.

Kroz upravljanje stambenim objektom, upravnik zgrade preduzima mere radi održavanja zgrade, korišćenja finansijskih sredstava stanara, obezbeđivanja njenih delova i ultimativno povećanja vrednosti zasebnih jedinica i čitavog kompleksa (lokacije i same zgrade).

LINK: Kada tražite mesto za svoj novi dom lokacija je ključna!

Upravljanje zgradom i upravnik zgrade

Svaka stambena zajednica sačinjenu od stanara koji biraju upravnika zgrade iz redova svojih stanara ili se odlučuju da unajme izvršitelja kao što je profesionalni upravnik zgrade. 

Tokom 2020. godine, u Republici Srbiji načinjene su poslednje izmene Zakona o stanovanju i održavanju stambenih zgrada. Njima su bolje određeni zadaci koje ima upravnik zgrade, poput:

  1. Održivog razvoja stanovanja
  2. Upravljanje, korišćenje i održavanje zajedničkih i posebnih prostorija zgrade
  3. Regulisanje postupka iseljenja i preseljenja
  4. Stambena podrška pri registracijama, uvidu u stambene evidencije i druga pitanja od značaja za stambenu politiku.

Poslovi upravljanja zgradom nisu nimalo naivan ili lak zadatak, i upravo zbog toga stanari i vlasnici vrše izbor među svojim redovima, i odaberu nekoga ko ima mogućnosti, znanja i vremena da obavlja složenu funkciju kao što je upravnik zgrade.

Zajednica može to da obavlja preko preko svojih ljudi, ili uz angažovanje profesionalnog upravnika zgrade. Više o tome šta vas čeka kao vlasnika stana, odnosno člana stambene zajednice možete pročitati i na sajtu Vlade Republike Srbije.

Saveti Ažurirano 17.12.2021
All tips

What is a residential community, how is it formed, and how does it influence the tenants?

The residential community is a legal body that is formed in order to facilitate the maintenance and management of residential buildings and bring them closer to all owners/users of apartments.

A residential community is also a great way to prevent and/or eliminate potential hazards in a building, which can adversely affect the lives and health of residents, the environment in which they live, and even the economy.

The housing community is one of the elements of sustainable housing development and as a body of public interest is regulated by the Law on Housing and Building Maintenance.

Each residential building from 31.12.2016. enters in the housing register as a community, and is granted the status of a legal entity, so everything that happens within it is prescribed by the rules on maintenance of residential buildings.

More about these rules, as well as what a housing community is and how it affects tenants – Grading, reveals in the lines below.

What is a residential community and how is it formed? 

A residential community is an organization of all owners of separate units (apartment, business space, garage, garage space, or box) of a residential or business-residential building.

Only the owners can register in the housing register and form a community that further has the status of a legal entity. As such, the housing community must have:

  • Registered registration number (issued by the Republic Bureau of Statistics)
  • Taxpayer Identification Number (Issued by the Tax Administration)
  • Current account (In any commercial bank)
  • Business name


Tenants’ Assembly and Building Manager

After the registration of a residential community, its mandatory authorities are determined: Assembly tenants (tenants and owners) and the Building Manager.

The session of the assembly is held at least twice a year and is scheduled by the manager, whose mandate lasts for four years.

At the meeting of the housing association, several important issues the residential association are resolved, such as:

  • Election and/or dismissal of the manager, that is, the election of a professional manager.
  • The amount of the monthly cost for the maintenance of the building and the labor costs of the manager is determined.
  • Fees for investment maintenance of common parts of the building are determined: for example, facade repair, hallway painting, replacement of damaged tiles, etc.

Moderne stambene zgrade

How a residential community is formed

When it comes to a housing association, the law has practically facilitated the automation of processes such as the registration of a housing association, i.e., its entry into the register of residential communities.

As soon as (at least) two apartments (office space or garage) in the building get an owner, the building automatically becomes a community.

LINK: Why is an apartment always the number one investment? 

In order for this residential community to be functional, apartment owners (or tenants) become part of the tenants’ assembly and choose who will be the building manager, who will further take care of the legal and functional part of the „business“.

The right to vote in the Assembly of the residential community

Every owner of a separate part of the building has the right to vote in the assembly. If you own several special parts in a building, you have as many votes as you have the separate parts.


Only apartment and business owners have the right to vote. If you are the owner of a garage, garage space, or box – you do not have a special vote based on that ownership.

What if the owner of the apartment is „unavailable“ or does not come to the „session“?

The owner of a special part of a residential building will be considered inaccessible if he does not attend the session of the Tenants’ Assembly three times in a row, to which he was duly invited, without informing the manager, i.e., the residential community about the absence.

The vote of the owner who is unavailable or not present is not included in the „quorum“, i.e., in the total number of votes in the decision-making process.

Invitation to a tenants’ assembly 

A neat way to invite a landlord to a meeting of a housing association is by having the building manager clearly display a notice of the meeting in a prominent place in the building (usually a hallway, front door, elevator, etc.). Then the agenda, venue, and schedule should be attached

How the residential community affects the tenants

The fact is that the tenants do not often attend the sessions of the residential community assembly. However, no matter how much these obligations seem like a burden to you and something you do not want to spend your time on, you certainly agree that the building in which you live should be a bearable and pleasant place to live.

Do not ignore your residential community of which you are a part, both by law and by pure logic, because you live within it.

The residential community is there to preserve and improve the housing through efficient maintenance organization.

The residential community maintains security in the buildings and establishes rules that do not endanger the rights of the owners.

Through the management of the residential building, the building manager takes measures to maintain the building, use the financial resources of the tenants, provide its parts and ultimately increase the value of individual units and the entire complex (location and the building itself).

LINK: When looking for a place for your new home location is key!

Building management and building manager

Any residential community is made up of tenants who choose a building manager from among their tenants or choose to hire a contractor such as a professional building manager.

In 2020, the last amendments to the Law on Housing and Maintenance of Residential Buildings were made in the Republic of Serbia. They better define the tasks of the building manager, such as:

  • Sustainable housing development
  • Management, use, and maintenance of common and special premises of the building
  • Regulating the process of eviction and relocation
  • Housing support for registration, access to housing records, and other issues relevant to housing policy.

Building management is not a naive or easy task, and that is why tenants and owners choose among themselves someone who has the ability, knowledge, and time to perform a complex function such as a Building Manager.

The community can do this through its own people, or with the engagement of a professional Building Manager. You can read more about what awaits you as an apartment owner, i.e., a member of a housing association, on the website of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.