Kupovina stana Ažurirano 26.11.2021
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Stanovi u izgradnji – Šta treba proveriti i znati ako kupujete stan u izgradnji

Kupovina stana za najveći broj ljudi predstavlja istovremeno i jedan od najsrećnijih, ali i jedan od najstresnijih životnih događaja.

Po ceni koja je neretko jednaka ili čak premašuje iznose životnih ušteđevina (cele porodice), sve popularniji izbor, i način dolaska do krova nad glavom predstavlja kupovina stana u izgradnji i novogradnja.

Međutim, iako kupovina stana u izgradnji definitivno ima mnogo prednosti, njeni nedostaci su jednako kompleksni. 

Prvo, kao što i samo ime kaže – prilikom kupovine stana u trenutku kada on još nije izgrađen kupci nemaju mogućnost da ga fizički pogledaju, a samim tim i uoče eventualne nedostatke.

Zbog toga – Grading vam savetuje da ne štedite vreme i pažnju! 

Dobro se informišete na koji način se prodaju stanovi u izgradnji, i na vreme proverite poslovni status investitora! 

Da biste stekli uvid u to koja je dokumentacija potrebna i koliko je važno imati pouzdanog konsultanta iz oblasti prava i prometa nepokretnosti – sastavili smo sedam osnovnih smernica.

1. Proveriti da li je investitor upisan u privredni registar

Jedan od prvih koraka je provera da li je investitor od koga kupujete stan u izgradnji, uopšte upisan u registar privrednih subjekata, za koju je delatnost registrovan, tj. da li koji mu je za to izdat matični broj.

Navedene podatke možete saznati na internet prezentaciji Agencije za privredne registre Republike Srbije: www.apr.gov.rs. Ukoliko ne umete, ne možete ili nemate vremena sami da priveravate – obavezno angažujte agenciju ili pravnog savetnika da se time pozabavi.

Zgrada sa terasama punim zelenila

Finansijsko stanje investitora

Trenutno stanje računa investitora i njegove godišnje finansijske izveštaje (Na internet prezentaciji Narodne banke Srbije, www.nbs.rs, i za tu pretragu će vam biti potreban matični broja investitora)

Da li je investitor nosilac prava svojine ili korišćenje parcele

Proveru katastarske parcele na kojoj se prodaju stanovi u izgradnji je drugi korak. Ovo se proverava uvidom u zemljišne knjige, u Republićkom Geodetskom Zavodu ( Katastru)r. 

Ovaj korak je važan jer pomoću njega utvrđujemo da li je investitor upisan kao nosilac prava svojine ili zakup zemljišta. Kompletna građevinska dokumentacija koja se dalje dobija time automatski glasi na ime investitora.

Postojanje dozvole za gradnju

Investitor i građevinsko preduzeće mojaju imati pravnosnažno rešenje, tj. izdato odobrenje za gradnju objekta.

Vodite računa o sledećem!

Samo zahtev za izdavanje dozvole nije (i nikada ne može biti) dokaz da će samo odobrenje biti izdato!

Da bi investitor uopšte krenuo sa radovimaa kasnije uknjižavanje objekta), neophodno je da plati doprinose za uređenje građevinskog zemljišta i izvrši prijavu radova 

Ukoliko je proverom u ovoj instituciji zaključeno da investitor nije pravio radove, jasno je da građevinska dozvola (još uvek) ne postoji kao pravoznažno rešenje.

2. Birajte uknjižen stan u izgradnji

Po završetku izgradnje objekta investitor bi trebalo da dobije upotrebnu dozvolu i uknjiži objekat u katastar nepokretnosti.

Upisom u katastar, kupci stanova objektu stiču mogućnost da upišu stan u izgradnji na svoje ime kada bude izgrađen. 

Međutim, ukoliko je investitor odstupio od građevinske dozvole, neće moći da dobije upotrebnu dozvolu, pa će za izgrađeni objekat morati da se pokrene postupak ozakonjenja naknadno.

Ugovorom koji kupac kupuje stan u izgradnji može da se definiše i predvidi rok za uknjižavanje stana 

Trpezarija i kuhinja

3. Povraćaj PDV-a prvom kupcu nekretnine

Još jedan razlog zbog kog su stanovi u izgradnji popularni jeste mogućnost refundacije PDV-a kupcu prvog stana. 

Pored toga što nećete imati dodatne troškove renoviranja i prilagođavanja stambene jedinice, kao prvi kupac nekretnine po zakonu dobijate povraćaj PDV-a,  i to jedan član domaćinstva ima pravo na povrćaj 40m2 , dok svaki naredni član ima pravo na po 15m2.

O refundaciji PDV-a možete pročitati više ovde: Kupovina prvog stana, novčane olakšice i povraćaj PDV-a

4. Potencijalni problem sa povraćajem kapare

Prilikom kupovine stana od investitora, uobičajeno je da se predaje kapara, ili depozit kojim se investitor osigurava da ćete stan kupiti u predviđenom roku.

Međutim, kupci treba da imaju na umu da investitori u najvećem broju slučajeva ne vraćaju kaparu ako ne dođe do zaključenja glavnog ugovora (poteškoće sa kreditom, odustanak kupca od kupovne stana, i sl.). 

Zbog toga je važno da u predugovoru (ugovoru o kapari) unesete odredbe kojima se reguliše potencijalni problem depozita.

Ukoliko želite da se bolje upoznate sa tim Šta je, i kolika je kapara za stan u izgradnji, preporučujemo da posetite link ispod:

LINK: Šta je depozit za kupovinu stana i kako se određuje njegova visina?

5. Uglavnom nema naknadnih izmena na zgradi/stanu

Investitori često u ugovor stavljaju klauzulu koja insistira na zabrani kupca da naknadno vrši izmene ili prepravke na objektu.

Na primer, zastakljivanje terase, izbijanje novih otvora ili izmena postojećih, isticanje neprikladnih reklama, tabli, oznaka, itd. spada u narušavaju izgled objekta, a on je kao takav deo idejnog i autorskog dela prodavca/investitora/projektanta.

Kljucevi od stana u ruci

6. Šta ako završetak radova kasni?

Iako se stanovi u izgradnji kupuju pre samog početka radova, odnosno tokom trajanja istih, kupcu je važno da se zaštiti od potencijalnih kašnjenja sa završetkom radova.

Ugovorom obavezno treba definisati rok za završetak radova i predaju stana kao funkiconalnog poseda kupca

Samim insistriranjem na određivanju roka za završetak radova, nameće se i kazna za slučaj kašnjenja.

7. Isplata stana iz ličnih sredstava i putem bankarskog kredita

Po nekom nepisanom, tržišnom, pravilu, što je stepen izgrađenosti manji, to je cena po kvadratu niža. Ova pojava i te kako ima osnova, jer što je gradnja manje uznapredovala, znači da se potrebne dozvole tek dobijaju i slično. Ova pojava posebno ide u korist kucima koji stan kupuju iz sopstvenih novčanih sredstava. 

Takođe, od dogovora sa investiorom zavisi da li će želeti da overite kod Notara predugovor sa kupcem, koji mu obezbeđuje mogućnost da aplicira za stambeni kredit, onda kada objekat bude izgrađen u dovoljnom stepenu (po proceni banke). 

Međutim, kupci koji podižu stambeni kredit moraju da imaju u vidu sledeće:

Banke uglavno ne odobravaju kredite kupcima sve dok stepen izgrađenosti zgrade/stana ne dostigne 80%! Potpisivanjem predugovora i uplatom depozita u ranoj fazi Vam omogućava da se predemtni stan rezerviše na vreme.

Da zaključimo…

Iz svega navedenog proizilazi da kupovina stana od investitora zahteva veliku dozu opreza i posvećenost detaljima. Ukoliko imate nedoumica, Grading je vaš partner za sigurnu budućnost

Upamtite da samo kada zaštitite sebe od potencijalnih rizika, možete da se opusti i nestrpljivo dočeka svoj novi dom.

Kupovina stana Ažurirano 26.11.2021
All tips

Apartments under construction – What you need to check and know if you are buying an apartment under construction

Buying an apartment for most people is at the same time one of the happiest, but also one of the most stressful life events.

At a price that is often equal to or even exceeds the amount of life savings (the whole family), an increasingly popular choice, and a way to get the roof over your head is to buy an apartment under construction and in new buildings.

However, although buying an apartment under construction definitely has many advantages, its disadvantages are equally complex.

First, as the name suggests – when buying an apartment at a time when it has not yet been built, buyers do not have the opportunity to physically look at it, and thus notice possible shortcomings.

That’s why Grading advises you not to save time and attention!

Get well informed about how apartments under construction are sold, and check the business status of the investor in time!

In order to gain insight into what documentation is needed and how important it is to have a reliable consultant in the field of real estate law and transactions – we have compiled seven basic guidelines.

1. Check whether the investor is registered in the business register

One of the first steps is to check whether the investor since you buy an apartment under construction, is registered in the register of business entities for which the activity is registered, i.e., whether he was issued an identification number for that.

You can find out the stated data on the internet presentation of the Business Registers Agency of the Republic of Serbia: www.apr.gov.rs. If you don’t know in what way, you can’t, or you don’t have time to do it yourself – be sure to hire an agency or legal advisor to deal with it.

Zgrada sa terasama punim zelenila

Investor’s financial situation

The current balance of the investor’s account and his annual financial reports (On the website of the National Bank of Serbia, www.nbs.rs, and for this search you will need the investor’s ID number).

Whether the investor is the holder of ownership or use of the plot

Checking the cadastral parcel where are located the apartments under construction for sale is the second step. This is checked by inspecting the land register, in the Republic Geodetic Authority (Cadastre).

This step is important because it determines whether the investor is registered as the holder of property rights or land leases. The complete construction documentation that is obtained in this way is automatically in the name of the investor.

Existence of a building permit

The investor and the construction company must have a final decision, i.e., an issued permit for the construction of the facility.

Take care of the following!

The permit application alone is not (and never can be) proof that the permit will be issued!

In order for the investor to start with the works and later registration of the facility, it is necessary to pay contributions for the arrangement of construction land and register the works

If the inspection in this institution concluded that the investor did not do the work, it is clear that the construction permit (still) does not exist as a final solution.

2. Choose a registered apartment under construction

After the construction of the facility is completed, the investor should obtain a use permit and register the facility in the real estate cadastre.

By registering in the cadastre, buyers of apartments in the facility gain the opportunity to register an apartment under construction in their own name when it is built.

However, if the investor withdrew from the construction permit, he will not be able to obtain a use permit, so the legalization procedure will have to be initiated later for the constructed facility.

The contract that the buyer buys an apartment under construction can define and provide a deadline for registering the apartment.

Trpezarija i kuhinja

3. Refund of VAT to the buyer of the first real estate

Another reason why apartments under construction are popular is the possibility of refunding VAT to the buyer of the first apartment.

In addition to the fact that you will not have additional costs of renovation and adjustment of the housing unit, as the buyer of a first real estate, you will receive a VAT refund by law, and one member of the household is entitled to 40m2, while each member is entitled to 15m2.

You can read more about VAT refunds here: Purchase of the first apartment, cash benefits, and VAT refund

4. Potential problem with the return of the down payment

When buying an apartment from an investor, it is common to hand in a down payment, or a deposit to ensure that the investor will buy the apartment within the prescribed period.

However, buyers should keep in mind that in most cases, investors do not return the down payment if the main contract is not concluded (difficulties with the loan, if the buyer gives up on the purchased apartment, etc.).

Therefore, it is important to include provisions in the pre-agreement (down payment agreement) that regulate the potential deposit problem.

If you want to get better acquainted with What is, and how much is the down payment for an apartment under construction, we recommend that you visit the link below:

LINK: What is a deposit for the apartment purchase and how is its amount determined?

5. There are generally no subsequent changes to the building/apartment

Investors often include in the contract a clause that insists on the prohibition of the buyer to subsequently make changes or alterations to the building.

For example, glazing a terrace, breaking new openings or changing existing ones, highlighting inappropriate advertisements, boards, signs, etc. belongs to the disrupting appearance of the building, and as such, it is part of the conceptual and authorial work of the seller/investor/designer.

Kljucevi od stana u ruci

6. What if the completion of works is delayed?

Although apartments under construction are purchased before the start of works, i.e. during their duration, it is important for the buyer to protect himself from potential delays with the completion of works.

The contract must define the deadline for the completion of works and the handover of the apartment as a functional possession of the buyer.

By insisting on setting a deadline for the completion of works, a penalty is imposed in case of delay.

7. Payment of the apartment from personal funds and through a bank loan

According to some unwritten, market rules, the lower the degree of construction, the lower the price per square meter. This phenomenon seems to have a basis, because the less advanced the construction, it means that the necessary permits are still being obtained and the like. This phenomenon is especially beneficial for buyers that buy an apartment with their own money.

Also, it depends on the agreement with the investor whether he will want to notarize the pre-agreement with the buyer, which provides him with the opportunity to apply for a housing loan when the facility is built to a sufficient degree (according to the bank).

However, buyers who take out a home loan must keep in mind the following:

Banks generally do not grant loans to customers until the level of construction of the building/apartment reaches 80%! Signing a pre-contract and paying a deposit at an early stage, allows you to book the apartment on time.

To conclude…

From all the above, it follows that buying an apartment from an investor requires a great deal of caution and attention to detail. If in doubt, Grading is your partner for a secure future!

Remember that only when you protect yourself from potential risks, you can relax and look forward to your new home.