Saveti Ažurirano 26.03.2022
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Šta su pametne zgrade i kako štede vreme i novac?

Najčešći aspekti pametne zgrade su komfor, sigurnost i energetska učinkovitost. Svi ovi parametri znamo da omogućavaju sigurnije i ugodnije stanovanje, a na kraju i smanjenje troškova.

Kako tehnologije se sve brže i brže napreduju, a internet poseduje gotovo svako domaćinstvo, ne čudi rađanje ideje da pametne zgrade koriste iste te tehnologije, kao npr. naši mali i veliki kućni aparati.

U današnjem tekstu, Grading se bavi upravo pitanjem upotrebe tehnologije unutar zgrada, kako bi stanarima omogućili stvari koje smo naveli na početku: komfor, sigurnost, i uštedu energije.

Dakle – kako pametne zgrade prilagođavaju potrošnju i kako pametne zgrade štede novac?

Šta su pametne zgrade (ili čak pametni gradovi)

Pametni gradovi i zgrade su kao koncept prisutne poslednjih 40 godina. Od intrigantne vizije i zanimljivog koncepta, pametne zgrade postale su globalno prisutan fenomen i poželjan način stanovanja.

Razlika između pametne zgrade ili grada, odnosnoi “tradicionalne“ (održive) gradnje ogleda se, pre svega, u prisutnosti pametnog uslužnog sistema. On predstavlja potpuno novi sloj u ukupnom “tkivu” ili strukturi zgrade

Posebnost pametne zgrade, ili čitavih pametnih gradova leži u činjenici da su kompleksni, podložni promenama i sposobni su da uče i na kraju – evoluiraju.

Do kraja 2025. godine, očekuje se da će oko 58% svetskog stanovništva (što je oko 4,6 milijardi ljudi) živeti u područjima gde su pametne zgrade. 

U razvijenim regijama, urbana populacija mogla bi narasti i do 81% ukupnog stanovništva. Ova procena predstavlja ozbiljne izazove za arhitekte i građevinare, koji će morati da razmisle o tome kako osigurati kvalitet života za (brzo)rastuću gradsku populaciju – ali na održiv način.

Stoga nam ostaje da rešimo problem uštede vremena i novca. A kako najbolji način pokazale su se pametne zgrade.

Moderna staklena zagrada iznutra

Kako pametne zgrade štede energiju? 

Pametne zgrade “nameću” kvalitet života i življenja kao primarni cilj stanovanja u nekom objektu.

Koncept pametnog grada i pametne zgrade je model (način) razvoja održivog grada. Ne samo da pametne zgrade traže inkorporiranje i ponalaženje novih materijala, već i alata, i stambenih rešenja koja će više biti u skladu sa samom prirodom.

Prva pametna zgrada na svetu je City Place, koja je dovršena 1983. godine u Hartfordu, u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. 

Zasluge za izgradnju ove pametne zgrade to ne pripadaju ni arhitekti, niti investitoru, već korporaciji UTBS (United Technology Building Systems), koja je od 1981. strastveni zagovornik koncepta pametne (izv. inteligentne) gradnje u SAD-u.

Integracija pametnih uslužnih sistema u pametne zgrade

Pojam pametne zgrade odnosno inteligentne gradnje, skovan je prvi put u New York Timesu. Inteligentna gradnja podrazumeva da će usluge svake zgrade biti orkestrirane kompjuterski, i povezane mrežom optičkih vlakana.

Umreženo grejanje, sigurnost, ventilacija, i još mnogo toga

“Usluge” u zgradi obično podrazumevaju sve ono što grada već ima, poput grejanja, ventilacije, rasvete, sigurnosnih sistema, transporta, elektronike, zaštite od požara – ali na jedan integrisan način, gde sve radi zajedno i prati rad jedno drugog.

Na taj način, sve što koristimo u zgradi, a što nam olakšava život i čini ga udobnim, ekonomisaće i potrošnju, upravljanje zgradom, ali će i će ekonomizovati pamentnu gradnju i učiniti je pristupačnijom.

Sistemska analiza potrošačkih navika

Pametna zgrada prikuplja podatke, sprovodi njihovu sistemsku analizu u interakciji sa korisnicima i upravlja integrisanim sistemima zgrade prilagođavajući njihovu funkciju potrebama korisnika – ili, bolje reći, potrebama njihovog budžeta.

Osim toga, uticaj pametne zgrade i njenih uslužnih sistema moguće je proširiti i izvan zgrade. Savremene pametne zgrade imaju i tu mogućnost da utiču, regulišu ili čak kontrolišu na njihovo neposredno okruženje.

Prilagođavanje graditeljstva i građevine novim zahtevima tržišta

Novo, tehnološko osavremenjivanje zgrada i gradova mora da deluje uporedo sa rešavanjem nedostataka koji su posledica loših odluka u planiranju urbanih prostora ili projektovanju zgrada.

Kvalitet urbanih prostora, pametne zgrade ili inteligentna građevina ipak je “samo” konačna posledica kvalitetnog plana, odnosno projekta

Na primer, kod zgrade je izuzetno bitno voditi računa o njenoj optimalnoj orijentaciji, lokaciji i organizaciji primarnih funkcija. Takođe je neizostavno obratiti pažnju na savremeniji odabir građevnih materijala.

Kako će se pametne zgrade razvijati i širiti u našoj zemlji, biće praćeno budnim okom našeg tima u Grading građevini. Spremni smo da svojim resursima, radnom snagom i inženjersko-tehničkim kadrom dočekamo promene, i izgradimo pametniju budućnost.

Saveti Ažurirano 26.03.2022
All tips

What are smart buildings and how do they save time and money?

The most common aspects of a smart building are comfort, security, and energy efficiency. We know that all these parameters enable safer and more comfortable housing, and ultimately reduce costs.

As technologies are advancing faster and faster, and the internet is owned by almost every household, it is not surprising that the idea that smart buildings use the same technologies, such as our small and big home devices.

In today’s text, Grading deals with the issue of the use of technology inside buildings, in order to provide tenants with the things we mentioned at the beginning: comfort, safety, and energy savings.

So – how do smart buildings adjust consumption and how do smart buildings save money?


What are smart buildings (or even smart cities)

Smart cities and buildings are a concept that are present for the last 40 years. From an intriguing vision and an interesting concept, smart buildings have become a globally present phenomenon and a desirable way of living.

The difference between a smart building or a city, that is a „traditional“ (sustainable) construction is reflected, above all, in the presence of a smart service system. It represents a completely new layer in the overall „tissue“ or structure of the building.

The peculiarity of smart buildings, or whole smart cities, lies in the fact that they are complex, subject to change, and capable of learning and eventually evolving.

By the end of 2025, about 58% of the world’s population (about 4.6 billion people) is expected to live in areas where smart buildings are located.

In developed regions, the urban population could grow up to 81% of the total population. This estimation poses serious challenges for architects and constructors, who will need to think about how to ensure a quality of life for the (rapidly) growing urban population – but in a sustainable way.
Therefore, we have to solve the problem of saving time and money. And smart buildings have proven to be the best way.
Moderna staklena zagrada iznutra

How do smart buildings save energy?

Smart buildings „impose“ the quality of life as the primary goal of living in a building.

The concept of a smart city and a smart building is a model (way) of developing a sustainable city. Not only are smart buildings looking to incorporate and invent new materials, but also tools and housing solutions that will be more in harmony with nature itself.

The first smart building in the world is City Place, which was completed in 1983 in Hartford, United States.

The credits for the construction of this smart building do not belong to the architect or the investor, but to the UTBS Corporation (United Technology Building Systems), which has been a passionate advocate of the concept of smart (intelligent) construction in the USA since 1981.

Integration of smart service systems into smart buildings

The concept of a smart building, or intelligent construction, was coined for the first time in the New York Times. Intelligent construction means that the services of each building should be orchestrated by a computer, and connected by a network of optical fibers.

Networked heating, security, ventilation, and more

“Services” in a building usually include everything the city already has, such as heating, ventilation, lighting, security systems, transportation, electronics, and fire protection – but in an integrated way, where everything works together and follows one another.

In that way, everything we use in the building, and which makes our life easier and more comfortable, will also economize consumption, and building management, but it will also economize smart construction and make it more affordable.

Systems analysis of consumer habits

The smart building collects data, conducts its system analysis in interaction with users, and manages integrated building systems by adapting their function to the needs of users – or, better said, the needs of their budget.

In addition, the impact of a smart building and its service systems can be extended beyond the building. Modern smart buildings also have the ability to influence, regulate or even control their immediate environment.

Adaptation of buildings and construction to new market requirements

New, technological modernization of buildings and cities must work in parallel with addressing the shortcomings resulting from poor decisions in urban planning or building design.

The quality of urban spaces, smart buildings, or intelligent construction is still „only“ the final consequence of a quality plan or project.

For example, in the case of a building, it is extremely important to take into account its optimal orientation, location, and organization of primary functions. It is also necessary to take into account a more modern choice of building materials.

How smart buildings will develop and expand in our country will be monitored by the watchful eye of our team in Grading construction. We are ready to welcome changes with our resources, workforce, and engineering and technical staff, and build a smarter future.