Deva Kruševac

Opis projekta

  • Objekat: Deva Kruševac

Armirano betonska konstrukcija objekta Robne kuće Deva u Kruševcu ostećena je u požaru i nakon dva neuspešna pokušaja sanacije investitor je 2006. posao dodelio Grading-u. Projekat sanacije konstrukcije i rekonstrukcije objekta  radila je projektantska kuća Centoprojekt iz Beograda.

Sanacije međuspratnih armirano betonskih ploča je urađena Karbonskim trakama. Objekat je nakon rekonstrukcije dobio 1200m2 magacinskog prostora i oko 2500m2 prodajnog prostora sa ukupno 10 lokala i Maxi diskontom u prizemlju i Tehnomarketom  na spratu.

Pronađite dom iz snova.

Deva Kruševac

Project description

  • Object: SC Deva Kruševac

The reinforced concrete construction of Deva Shopping center in Kruševac was damaged in the fire, and after two unsuccessful attempts to repair it, the investor delegated the job to Grading in 2006. The project of rehabilitation of the construction and reconstruction of the building was done by the design house Centoprojekt from Belgrade.

Rehabilitation of the mezzanine reinforced concrete slabs was done with carbon strips. After the reconstruction, the building received 1200m2 of warehouse space and about 2500m2 of retail space with a total of 10 stores and a Maxi supermarket on the ground floor and Tehnomarket on the first floor.

Pronađite dom iz snova.