Saveti Ažurirano 10.01.2022
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Uređenje kupatila sa ograničenim budžetom – mali dodaci, velika razlika!

Možda je najmanja, ali kupatilo je jedna od najbitnijih prostorija u stanu/kući. Mnogo ljudi odlazi u kuaptilo kako bi se smirili, pribrali i razbistrili misli, i zbog toga, kupatilo treba da bude oaza i utočište na kojem “skidamo” dan sa sebe.

Međutim, kako je neverovatno lako povesti se za željama o načinu uređenja kupatila, materijalna situacija mnogih od nas zahteva oprezno rukovane budžetom.

Grading je zato smislio četiri načina da vam pomogne da “izmirite” budžet i želje za udobnim, i na oko privlačnim, kupatilom.

1. Ogledalo u većim dimenzijama – kreiranje novog pogleda

Nema ništa lepše od kupatila sa velikim ogledalom. Ne samo da ogledalo pomaže u otvaranju prostora, i davanju jedne prefinjenije note prostoriji, već je veliko ogledalo veoma funkcionalna podrška za sve ukućane.

Ukoliko za to imate prostora, pokušajte da “instalirate” ogledalo preko celog zida, a iznad lavaboa i komodice. Ormarići koji na sebi sadrže ogledalo su još jedan način da “otvorite” svoju kupaonicu.

Takođe, lep dodatak tom ogledalu su i svetla. Ona mogu biti postavljena kao LED trake, tik uz ivice ogledala, ili kao kružna, ugradna svetla koja palite i gasite po potrebi.

2. Nežne (pastelne) podloge – Odabir boje za zidove i pločice

Uvek kada planirate ili već sprovodite uređenje kupatila, morate imati u vidu važnost boja. One su idealan način za brzinsku promenu atmosfere, bilo da se radi o dubokim, tamnim bojama kojima se postiže elegantniji izgled, ili svetlijim nijansama koje će prostoru pružiti otvorenost i svežinu.

Pločice u svetlim bojama poput, krem, bele ili nežnih pastelnih nijansi idealne su za uređenje malog kupatila, dok veća kupatila imaju i veći spektar mogućnosti za dizajn i kombinovanje boja pločica i zidova. 

Takođe, poslednjih godina su izuzetno popularne pločice koje imitiraju kamen, mermer ili drvo, pa i mozaik-pločice koje daju toplinu i luksuz kupatilu.

Obojite zid, ili dva?

Za sve koji se još uvek pitaju kako da svom kupatilu dodaju malo efektnosti – posegnite za četkom i obojte zidove, jedan zid ili parče koje nije prekriveno pločicama. Razmuslite o dubokim, plavim, sivim ili zelenim nijansama. 

Crvene, narandžaste i žute nijanse su najbolje za jutarnje povećanje energije, a jarko plava, zelena i ljubičasta će vas podstaći da se opustite i budete “zen” u svom kupatilu.

Tapete – da ili ne?

Ukoliko za dekoraciju birate tapete, vodite računa o tome da izabrete neke koje su namenjene kupatilskom ambijentu, i vlagi. Takođe, nakon nameštanja, tapete u kupatilu je neophodno premazati zaštitnim slojem laka koji će ih zaštititi od buđi.

3. Detalji u zlatnoj i crnoj boji – detalji koji odišu luksuzom

Crna ide uz sve. Pa tako i uređenje kupatila ne sme da prođe bez detalja u ovoj “nijansi”. Dodajte notu otmenosti svojoj kupanonici uz policu u crnoj boji, ili detalje kao što su peškiri, keramička šolja za četkice, čiviluk i sl. 

Crna keramika, mermer, gvožđe, pa čak i drvo, odlično će se slagati u tandemu sa zlatnim detaljima. Ukoliko ne možete ručkice na ormarićima da zamenite identičnim komadima u zlatnoj boji, pokušajte sa činijom za odlaganje kupatilskih potrepština, mirišljavom svećom i drugim stvarima čija bi ambalaža bila u nijansi zlatne.

4. Police koje se šrafe za zid – uređenje kupatila i ušteda prostora

Ukoliko je prostor mali i ograničen, idealne su zidne police ili uzani vertikalni element za kozmetiku i peškire. Shodno boji koju odaberete za pločice/zidove, predlažemo da police budu na komplementarno suprotnoj strani skale boja. 

5. Dodatne, i minimalne, promene koje prave razliku 

Šta još može da napravi značajnu razliku kada je uređenje kupatila u pitanju, a da to već nismo pomenuli? Pa, čini se ono osnovno, što nekako mnogi od nas zaboravimo. To su naravno:

  • Pravilno postavljeno osvetljenje
  • Podne obloge od vinila – topline su od pločica, daleko povoljnije, a mogu se i napraviti u dizajnu koji vi želite
  • Obična zavesa za tuš – promenite je i videćete kako drugačije razmišljate

O tome kako da imate savršenu rasvetu u stanu, Grading je pisao u skorašnjem teksu. Ne propustite priliku da i uz pomoć tih saveta napravite sebi idiličnu oazu u stanu.

LINK: Kako da imate savršenu rasvetu u stanu?

Napravite plan i idite korak po korak

Sledeća bitna stavka prilikom uređenja kupatila je definisanje vrema i redosleda izvođenja radova, naročito kod stanova koji imaju samo jedno kupatilo

Pre nabavke sanitarija i opreme trebalo bi utvrditi tri glavne stvari: Dimenzije i lokaciju postojećih vodovodnih i električnih instalacija, kao i standardne dimenziju kupatilskih elemenata. 

Potrebno je da oprema za kupatilo, pribor i razni dodaci (lavabo, tuš kabina ili kada, baterije, ormarići, police, ogledala, držači za peškire, sapun, podne prostirke…) budu funkcionalni i da prate odabrani stil – da bi se sve uklopilo u prostor.

Pre renoviranja sve detaljno proverite i definišite. Postavite granicu i odredite budžet za majstore, za materijal, i sl. 

Kada se radi renoviranje kupatila u starijim zgradama, poželjno je promeniti kompletnu vodovodnu i kanalizacionu infrastrukturu, imajte to na umu kada kupujete stan koji nije “novogradnja”.

Renoviranje kupatila može biti veoma zabavan i uzbudljiv zadatak. Isto tako, uređenje kupatila sa ograničenim budžetom mora dobro da se planira u pogledu dostupnog novca, vremena i uloženog truda.

Saveti Ažurirano 10.01.2022
All tips

Decorating a bathroom with a limited budget – small changes, big difference!

It may be the smallest, but the bathroom is one of the most important rooms in the apartment/house. Many people go to the bathroom to calm down, collect their thoughts and clear their minds, and because of that, the bathroom should be an oasis and a refuge where we „take“ the day off of ourselves.

However, as it is incredibly easy to fantasize about the ways of arranging the bathroom, the material situation of many of us requires careful handling of the budget.

Grading has therefore come up with four ways to help you „reconcile“ your budget and desires for a comfortable, and eye-catching bathroom.

1. Mirror in larger dimensions – creating a new look

There is nothing more beautiful than a bathroom with a large mirror. Not only does the mirror help to open the space, and give a more refined note to the room, but the large mirror is very functional support for all the household members.

If you have the space, try to „install“ a mirror over the entire wall, and above the sink and dresser. Cabinets that contain a mirror are another way to „open“ your bathroom.

Also, a nice addition to that mirror is the lights. They can be placed as LED strips, right next to the edges of the mirrors, or as circular, recessed lights that you turn on and off as needed.

2. Soft (pastel) background – Choosing the color for walls and tiles

Whenever you are planning or already implementing bathroom decoration, you must keep in mind the importance of color. They are an ideal way to quickly change the atmosphere, whether it is deep, dark colors that achieve a more elegant look, or lighter shades that will give the space openness and freshness.

Tiles in light colors such as beige, white or soft pastel shades are ideal for decorating a small bathroom, while larger bathrooms also have a wider range of options for designing and combining the colors of tiles and walls.

Also, in recent years, tiles that imitate stone, marble, or wood are extremely popular, as well as mosaic tiles that give warmth and luxury to the bathroom.

Paint a wall, or two?

For all those who are still wondering how to add a little effectiveness to your bathroom – reach for a brush and paint the walls, one wall, or a piece that is not covered with tiles. Think of deep, blue, gray, or green shades.

Red, orange, and yellow shades are the best for morning energy increase, and bright blue, green, and purple will encourage you to relax and be „zen“ in your bathroom.

Wallpaper – yes, or no?

If you choose a wallpaper for decoration, be sure to choose some that are intended for the bathroom environment, and moisture. Also, after the installation, the wallpaper in the bathroom must be coated with a protective layer of varnish that will protect them from mold.

3. Details in gold and black – details that exude luxury

Black goes with everything. So, the decoration of the bathroom must not pass without details in this „shade“. Add a touch of elegance to your bathroom with a shelf in black, or details such as towels, ceramic cups for brushes, hat stands, etc.

Black ceramics, marble, iron, and even wood will go well in tandem with gold details. If you can’t replace the handles on the cabinets with identical pieces in gold, try a bowl for disposing of bathroom accessories, scented candles, and other things whose packaging would be in shades of gold.

4. Shelves that are screwed to the wall – decorating the bathroom and saving space

If the space is small and limited, wall shelves or a narrow vertical element for cosmetics and towels are ideal. According to the color you choose for the tiles/walls, we suggest that the shelves be complementary to the opposite side of the color scale.

5. Additional and minimal changes that make a difference

What else can make a significant difference when it comes to bathroom design, that we still haven’t mentioned? Well, it seems the basic thing, which somehow many of us forget. These are of course:

  • Properly installed lighting
  • Vinyl flooring – they are warmer than tiles, far cheaper, and can be made in the design you want
  • Ordinary shower curtain – change it and see how you think differently

Grading wrote in a recent text about how to have the perfect lighting in a flat. Don’t miss the opportunity to create an idyllic oasis in your apartment with the help of these tips.

LINK: How to have the perfect lighting in the apartment?

Make a plan and go step by step

The next important item when arranging a bathroom is defining the time and order of work, especially in apartments that have only one bathroom.

Before purchasing sanitary ware and equipment, three main things should be determined: Dimensions and location of existing plumbing and electrical installations, as well as standard dimensions of bathroom elements.

Bathroom accessories, utensils, and various accessories (sink, shower or bathtub, faucets, cabinets, shelves, mirrors, towel rails, soap, floor mats…) need to be functional and follow the chosen style – to fit everything into the space.

Before renovating, check and define everything in detail. Set a limit and set a budget for craftsmen, materials, etc.

When renovating bathrooms in older buildings, it is advisable to change the complete water supply and sewerage infrastructure, keep this in mind when buying an apartment that is not a „new building“.

Renovating a bathroom can be a very fun and exciting task. Also, the arrangement of bathrooms with a limited budget must be well planned in terms of available money, time and effort.