Saveti Ažurirano 20.02.2018
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Stvari koje je potrebno znati pre podizanja stambenog kredita

Rešili ste da kupite stan. Na kredit. Da, na kredit. Ma koliko kredit u našem narodu važio za moderno „dužničko ropstvo“, on je često jedini način da dođete do sigurnosti i sopstvenog doma. Kupovina na kredit je potpuno legitimna investicija na dugi rok, za koju se – kao i za sve ozbiljnije životne poduhvate – valja pripremiti. U ovom tekstu pokušaćemo da pojasnimo  neke osnovne bankarske pojmove na koje ćete nailaziti u potrazi za kreditom po meri. Počnimo sa osnovim pojmovima :

  • Kreditna sposobnost je prvo što banke ispituju kada zatražite kredit. To je u stvari vaša finansijska sposobnost kao dužnika da po dospeću vratite uzeti kredit, uvećan za iznos pripadajuće kamate.
  • Kapara je uplata dela kupoprodajne cene koju vrši kupac direktno Investitoru , a kao garanciju da će izvršiti uplatu preostalog dela kupoprodajne cene u budućnosti. Većina banaka zahteva minimalnu kaparu odnosno učešće od 20% od vrednosti predmetnog stana koji kupujete.
  • Glavnica je osnovni, pozajmljeni iznos, koji je dužnik dužan poveriocu i na koji se obračunava kamata.
  • Anuitet  je isto što i rata kredita tj. redovna, najčešće mesečna, isplata, koju klijent plaća banci na ime otplate kredita. Visina rate kredita i rok u kome će dospevati za naplatu su sadržani u Planu otplate kredita koji banka daje klijentu pri potpisivanja Ugovora o kreditu.
  • Grejs period (period odložene otplate) je period u kome je kredit stavljan na raspolaganje klijentu, a njegova otplata još nije počela. To je period između isplate kredita i dospeća prve rate. Grejs period može trajati od nekoliko meseci do nekoliko godina.

Stanovi na prodaju

Panorama Erdoglija

Samo onaj ko je kupovao stan na kredit zna koliko je strpljenja potrebno da se pronađe odgovarajući stan, a onda još dodatnog strpljenja ako se odluči za dugovanje banci u narednim godinama. Upravo zato što se radi o velikim iznosima, ali i dugim rokovima otplate potrebno je mnogo vremena i truda da bi se izabrao pravi kredit.

  • Kamata je naknada koja se plaća za korišćenje sredstava banke. Ova cena korišćenja se izražava u procentima i naziva se kamatnom stopom. Njena visina zavisi od vrste kredita, roka na koji banka ustupa sredstva klijentu, obezbeđenja naplate potraživanja (hipoteka,,jemstvo…), uslova na tržištu, konkurencije …
  • Efektivna kamatna stopa (EKS) je kamatna stopa koja prikazuje koliko kredit klijenta stvarno košta, odnosno kolika je ukupna cena kredita. Na visinu efektivne kamatne stope utiče, osim redovne kamatne stope, i visina naknada koje klijent plaća banci prilikom odobrenja kredita, dužina otplate kredita, visina eventualno potrebnog učešća itd.
  • Zatezna kamata je kamata koja se naplaćuje ukoliko klijent nije ispunio ugovorne obaveze u roku koji je predviđen Ugovorom o kreditu. Njena visina se obično reguliše zakonskim propisima o zateznoj kamati.
  • Euribor (Euro Interbank Offered Rate) je referentna kamatna stopa po kojoj su banke  spremne da pozajme jedna drugoj novac – evro. Kod nas ga banke koriste kako bi se utvrdile kamatne stope na različite finansijske proizvode kao što su: hipoteka, štedni računi i krediti. Predstavlja deo kamate (tačnije, na kamatnu stopu se dodaje vrednost Euribor-a) za kredite dobijene u evrima. Vrednost Euribor-a je promenljiva

Nizak euribor smanjio i kamate na zajmove za kupovinu nekretnina, ali potencijalni kupci imaju i niz drugih izdataka koje ćemo navesti u tekstu koji sledi . Dobijanje kredita podrazumeva i plaćanje učešća, troškova obrade kredita, premije osiguranja kod NKOSK, životnog osiguranja, periodičnih procena nekretnine, upisa hipoteke, osiguranja nekretnine, overe založne izjave…

  • NKOSK (Nacionalna korporacija za osiguranje stambenih kredita) je korporacija koja osigurava kredite koje banke odobravaju fizičkim licima za kupovinu nekretnina, a koji su obezbeđeni hipotekom. Preuzimanjem dela rizika, Korporacija snižava ukupan rizik banke, što utiče na smanjenje kamatne stope koju banka naplaćuje svom klijentu.
  • Sredstva obezbeđenja predstavljaju jedan od načina na koji banka obezbeđuje uredno vraćanje kredita. U zavisnosti od iznosa i vrste kredita, banka određuje potrebno obezbeđenje. Najčešće su u pitanju sopstvene menice i hipoteka na nekretnine u korist banke. Hipoteka se upisuje na nepokretnost koju klijent kupuje ili neku drugu nepokretnost u vlasništvu klijenta.
  • Hipoteka je založno pravo na nepokretnosti koje ovlašćuje poverioca da, ako dužnik ne isplati dug u dospelosti ili ako dođe do povrede druge obaveze koja aktivira hipoteku, zahteva naplatu potraživanja obezbeđenog hipotekom iz vrednosti nepokretnosti.
  • Menica je dokument, izdat u strogo zakonskoj formi, u kome se izdavalac obavezuje da će u roku isplatiti određeni iznos, ili poziva drugo lice da izvrši tu isplatu. Blanko menica je neispunjen menični obrazac snabdeven potrebnim potpisima i zakonski može postati menica čim se ispune ostali bitni podaci.

Na kraju je ostalo da  razjasnimo još par pojmova koji su za većinu „španska sela“ i pokušavamo da vam približimo o čemu se tu zapravo radi…

  • Žirant je osoba koja garantuje uredno varaćanje kredita na taj način što se obavezuje da će, ukoliko korisnik kredita ne bude ispunjavao svoje obaveze, nastaviti izmirivanje ovih obaveza.
  • Jemstvo je način osiguranja plaćanja nekog duga kod koga se treće lice obavezuje da će poveriocu u određenom roku platiti dug dužnika pod određenim uslovima. Jemac je gotovo ista kategorija kao i žirant.
  • Refinansiranje kredita je jedan od načina da se prevaziđe problem u otplati kredita. Ukoliko primanja klijenta nisu dovoljna za plaćanje obaveza po osnovu uzetih kredita, refinansiranje obaveza podrazumeva mogućnost da jednim kreditom (kreditom za refinansiranje) na duži rok i sa manjom mesečnom ratom objedni sve postojeće obaveze.

Svi objekti koje Grading gradi su uknjiženi  i kupcima je omogućena kupovina stanova  putem stambenih kredita . Grading uspešno sarađuje sa svim bankama na našem tržištu.

Domaće banke kod stanova u izgradnji odobravaju kreditena stanove u izgradnji kada je nepokretnost završena 80%. Nakon toga sledi izlazak na teren ovlašćenog procenitelja koji konstatuje stepen završenosti i vrši procenu stana. U tom periodu kupac prikuplja  dokumentaciju i potpisuje ugovor o kreditu sa bankom , posle čega sledi overa založne izjave kod Notara i upis hipoteke u Katastar Nepokretnosti.  Kada sve ovo bude završeno , zaseda kreditni odbor banke koji nakon provere ispunjenosti svih uslova plasira kredit prodavcu stana.

Time se završava jedan veliki process, kupci dobijaju ključeve i mogu početi sa sređivanjem i opremanjem svog novog doma.

Saveti Ažurirano 20.02.2018
All tips

The things you need to know before taking out a home loan

You have decided to buy an apartment. And to take a loan. Yes, a loan. No matter how much credit in our nation was for modern „debt slavery“, it is often the only way to get security and your own home. Getting a loan for purchase is a completely legitimate investment in the long run, for which – as well as for all serious life endeavors – it is necessary to prepare. In this text, we will try to clarify some basic banking terms that you will come across when looking for a perfect loan for you. Let’s start with the basic concepts:

  • Creditworthiness is the first thing that banks examine when you apply for a loan. It is, in fact, your financial ability as a debtor to repay the loan at maturity, increased by the amount of interest due.
  • The down payment is the payment of a part of the purchase price made by the buyer directly to the Investor, and as a guarantee that he will make the payment of the remaining part of the purchase price in the future. Most banks require a minimum down payment or a share of 20% of the value of the apartment you are buying.
  • The principal is the basic, borrowed amount, which the debtor owes to the creditor and on which interest is calculated.
  • The annuity is the same as the loan installment, ie., regular, usually monthly, payment, which the client pays to the bank in the name of loan repayment. The amount of the loan installment and the deadline for payment are contained in the Loan Repayment Plan that the bank provides to the client when signing the Loan Agreement.
  • The grace period (period of deferred repayment) is the period in which the loan was made available to the client, and his repayment has not yet begun. This is the period between the payment of the loan and the maturity of the first installment. The grace period can last from several months to several years.

Only the one who bought an apartment taking out a loan knows how much patience it takes to find a suitable apartment, and then even more patience if he decides to go to the bank in the coming years. Precisely because these are large amounts, but also long repayment periods, it takes a lot of time and effort to choose the right loan.

  • Interest is a fee paid for the use of bank funds. This usage price is expressed as a percentage and is called the interest rate. Its amount depends on the type of loan, the term for which the bank provides funds to the client, securing the collection of receivables (mortgage, „guarantee“), market conditions, competition…
  • The effective interest rate (EIR) is an interest rate that shows how much the client’s loan really costs, i.e., what the total cost of the loan is. In addition to the regular interest rate, the amount of the effective interest rate is also affected by the amount of fees that the client pays to the bank when approving the loan, the length of the loan repayment, the amount of any required participation, etc.
  • Default interest is the interest that is charged if the client has not fulfilled the contractual obligations within the period stipulated in the Loan Agreement. Its amount is usually regulated by legal regulations on default interest.
  • Euribor (Euro Interbank Offered Rate) is the reference interest rate at which banks are willing to lend each other money – the euro. In our country, banks use it to determine interest rates on various financial products such as mortgages, savings accounts, and loans. It represents a part of the interest (more precisely, the value of Euribor is added to the interest rate) for loans obtained in euros. The value of Euribor is changeable.

Low Euribor also reduced interest rates on loans for the purchase of the real estate, but potential buyers also have other expenses that we will list in the text that follows. Obtaining a loan also includes payment of participation, loan processing costs, insurance premiums with NMIC, life insurance, periodic real estate appraisals, mortgage registration, real estate insurance, notarization…

  • NMIC (National Mortgage Insurance Corporation) is a corporation that insures loans approved by banks natural persons for the purchase of the real estate, which is secured by a mortgage. By taking part in the risk, the Corporation lowers the bank’s total risk, which affects the reduction of the interest rate that the bank charges to its client.
  • Collateral is one of the ways in which the bank ensures proper loan repayment. Depending on the amount and type of loan, the bank determines the necessary collateral. Most often, they are their own bills of exchange and mortgages on real estate in favor of the bank. The mortgage is registered on the real estate that the client buys or some other real estate owned by the client.
  • A mortgage is a lien on real estate that authorizes the creditor to, if the debtor does not pay the debt in maturity or if another obligation that activates the mortgage is violated, demand collection of the claim secured by the mortgage from the value of the real estate.
  • A bill of exchange is a document, issued in a strictly legal form, in which the issuer undertakes to pay a certain amount within the deadline, or invites another person to make that payment. A blank bill of exchange is an unfilled bill of exchange form provided with the necessary signatures and can legally become a bill of exchange as soon as other important data are filled in.

In the end, it remains to clarify a few more terms that are for most „Spanish villages“ and try to bring you closer to what it is really about…

  • A guarantor is a person who guarantees proper loan fraud by committing that if the borrower does not will fulfill its obligations, continue to settle these obligations.
  • A bail is a way of securing the payment of a debt when a third party undertakes to pay the debtor’s debt to the creditor within a certain period of time under certain conditions. This is practically in the same category as the guarantor.
  • Loan refinancing is one way to overcome the problem of loan repayment. If the client’s income is not enough to pay the liabilities on the basis of loans taken, refinancing of liabilities implies the possibility to combine all existing liabilities with one loan (refinancing loan) for a longer period and with a smaller monthly installment.

All the buildings that Grading is building are registered and buyers are enabled to buy apartments through housing loans. Grading successfully cooperates with all banks in our market.

Domestic banks approve credit apartment under construction for apartments under construction when the real estate is 80% completed. After that, a certified appraiser goes to the field to determine the degree of completion and evaluate the apartment. During that period, the buyer collects documentation and signs a loan agreement with the bank, followed by notarization of the pledge statement with the Notary and registration of the mortgage in the Real Estate Cadastre. When all this is over, the credit committee of the bank decides after checking the fulfillment of all conditions, to place a loan to the seller of the apartment.

This completes one big process, and the customers get the keys and can start tidying up and furnishing their new home.