Saveti Ažurirano 20.02.2018
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Ko su i šta rade notari?

Notar ili javni beležnik je stara pravnička profesija čija je uloga da sve ugovore, sporazume i druge pismene beleške, overava i odgovara za njihovu zakonitost.

Na osnovu Zakona o javnom beležništvu, koji je stupio na snagu  1. septembra 2014, notari su ti kojima se treba obratiti kada je potrebna overa ugovora o raspolaganju stana, prodaji stana, poklonu nepokretnosti, o razmeni nepokretnosti, ugovora o hipoteci, ugovora o doživotnom izdržavanju, o raspodeli imovine za života, bračnog ugovora i sporazuma supružnika o deobi njihove zajedničke imovine.

Građani mogu i sami da sastave ugovor o kupoprodaji stana i da ga odnesu kod notara na overu, što su nekada završavali na sudskim šalterima.

Javni beležnik će dokument potvrditi tako što će na njega staviti svoj pečat koji se zove “solemnizaciona klauzula” (overa notara), što je isto kao nekada pečat suda. Ova klauzula je uslov za punovažnost pravnog posla. Javni beležnik klauzulom potvrđuje da je strankama u njihovom prisustvu pročitana isprava, da su one izjavile da ta isprava potpuno odgovara njihovoj volji i da su je svojeručno potpisale. Određeni pravni poslovi moraju biti zaključeni u formi javnobeležničkog zapisa da bi se smatrali punovažnim a jedan od njih je ugovor o hipoteci i založna izjava koji su sačinjeni u skladu sa odredbama Zakona o hipoteci.

Stanovi na prodaju

Panorama Erdoglija

Uključenjem notara u poslove kupoprodaje nekretnina povećana je sigurnost jer notari proveravaju svu dokumentaciju pre nego što sačine javnobeležnički zapis. Osim što sastavlja zapis, notar za njegovu zakonitost i verodostojnost odgovara i materijalno i disciplinski.

Iznos koji se plaća notarima zavisi od vrednosti imovine. Postoji zvaničan tarifnik u kom je jasno određena nagrada notara za obavljen posao. Tako se navodi da se nagrada za sačinjavanje javnobeležničkih zapisa – ugovora o prodaji stana, poklonu, doživotnom izdržavanju, određuje prema vrednosti stana, dok se za sačinjavanje predugovora, aneksa ili sporazuma o raskidu ugovora naplaćuje 50 odsto od te cene.

Saveti Ažurirano 20.02.2018
All tips

Who are notaries and what do they do?

A notary is an old legal professional whose role is to certify and be responsible for all contracts, agreements, and other written notes.

Pursuant to the Law on Public Notary, which entered into force on September 1, 2014, notaries are the ones to contact when it is necessary to certify the contract on the disposal of the apartment, sale of the apartment, gift of real estate, exchange of real estate, mortgage agreement, lifetime agreement alimony, the distribution of property for life, the marriage contract and the agreement of the spouses on the division of their joint property.

Citizens can also draw up a contract on the sale of an apartment and take it to a notary for certification, which they used to end up at court counters.

The notary public will confirm the document by putting his stamp on it, which is called the „solemnization clause“ (notarization), which is the same as the court seal. This clause is a condition for the validity of a legal transaction. The notary public confirms with a clause that the document was read to the parties in their presence, that they stated that the document completely corresponds to their will and that they signed it in their own handwriting. Certain legal transactions must be concluded in the form of a notarial deed in order to be considered valid, and one of them is a mortgage agreement and a pledge statement made in accordance with the provisions of the Mortgage Law.

The involvement of notaries in the sale of real estate has increased security because notaries check all the documentation before making a notarial record. In addition to compiling the record, the notary is responsible for its legality and credibility both materially and disciplinary.

The amount paid to notaries depends on the value of the property. There is an official tariff in which the reward of a notary for the work done is clearly determined. Thus, it is stated that the reward for making notarial records – contracts for the sale of an apartment, gift, lifetime support, is determined by the value of the apartment, while for making a pre-contract, annex, or agreement to terminate the contract is charged 50 percent of that price.