Vesti Ažurirano 19.10.2021
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O Panorami – nekad i sad

Na prostoru današnjeg kompleksa “Panorama Erdoglija” je u prošlosti postojala Stara Radnička Kolonija .Radnička kolonija je bila prvo moderno, urbano, radničko naselje na Balkanu, rađeno po građevinskom uzoru na engleske radničke kolonije, započeto 1928.godine u februaru.

Osnivač kolonije bio je Đeneral Terzibašić. Novo naselje za 500 višečlanih porodica postalo 1929.godine varoš za sebe, po projektu profesora iz Beograda i bilo je predviđeno da sve potrebe stanovništva budu zadovoljene, poput izgradnje parka, kaldrmisanje trotoara, izgradnja društvenog doma poznatijeg kao Sokolana, škole, apoteke, prodavnica, upravne zgrade i prostorije za vatrogasnu opremu.

Ulazna kapija u naselje, prvobitno je bila napravljena od drveta i ukrašena figurama od letvica , a kasnije je sazidana čuvena Kolonska kapija, koja je i danas zadržala svoju autentičnost, od čvrstog materijala sa dve stražarske kućice sa obe strane sa nazivom „Radnička kolonija Art.-tehn. zavoda“.

Želja generala Terzibašića bila je da se svi drveni objekti u koloniji ofarbaju karakterističnom zelenom bojom, bojom topofskih lafeta, simbolišući naselje majstora koji proizvode ovu vrstu naoružanja. Ono što je zanimljivo pomenuti, jeste da je kućni red bio dosta strožiji od ostalih gradskih kvartova, jer je naselje bilo pod vojnom upravom, pa se u skladu sa tim kućni red morao strogo poštovati.

Stara radnička kolonija – Sokolana

Kolonija je imala i naziv „zeleni grad“, zbog svoje uređenosti, cvetnih bašti i ostalih mnogobrojnih karakteristika zbog koje je i bila prepoznatljiva kao „Najlepša radnička kolonija u državi“. Zainteresovanost za ovaj elitni urbani radnički kvart je bila u prastu, kako zbog navedenog, tako i zbog povoljnih cena.

Od osnivanja posebnu je ulogu imala zgrada Sokolane u čijem su prizemlju smeštene sprave za gimnastičke vežbe , a na spratu je radilo amatersko pozorište, održavale su se razne kulturne manifestacije i čuvene kolonske zabave. Objekat Sokolana evidentiran je kao spomenik kulture i pod zaštitom je Zavoda za zaštitu spomenika kulture, pored Sokolane 1999.godine podignut je spomenik Kralju Aleksandru Karađorđeviću za vreme čije je vladavine Stara Radnička kolonija nastala.

Prilikom projektovanja i izvođenja našeg kompleksa „Panorama Erdoglija“ vodili smo računa da budući stanari imaju urbanistički sređenu celinu, kao i da se zadovolje sve potrebe sadašnjeg načina života. Poštujemo principe kvalitetne gradnje i energetske efikasnosti omogućujući budućim stanarima viši kvalitet života.


Vesti Ažurirano 19.10.2021
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Panorama – then and now

In the past, the Old Workers Colony existed in the area of ​​today’s „Panorama Erdoglija“ complex. The Workers’ Colony was the first modern, urban, workers’ settlement in the Balkans, built on the model of English workers’ colonies, started in February 1928.

The founder of the colony was General Terzibašić. The new settlement for 500 multi-member families became a town for itself in 1929, according to the project of a professor from Belgrade, and it was planned to meet all the needs of the population, such as building a park, paving sidewalks, building a social home known as Sokolana, schools, pharmacies, shops, administrative buildings and rooms for firefighting equipment.

The entrance gate to the settlement was originally made of wood and decorated with figures of slats, and later the famous Colony’s Gate (Kolonska Kapija) was built, which still retains its authenticity, from solid material with two guardhouses on both sides called „Workers’ Colony Art. – Tech. Institute“.

General Terzibašić’s wish was for all wooden buildings in the colony to be painted with the characteristic green color, the color of a cannon gun, symbolizing the settlement of craftsmen who produce this type of weapon. What is interesting to mention is that the house rules were much stricter than other city districts, because the settlement was under military administration, so in accordance with that, the house rules had to be strictly respected.

Stara radnička kolonija – Sokolana

The colony also had the name „green city“, due to its orderliness, flower gardens, and many other characteristics, which is why it was recognizable as „The most beautiful workers’ colony in the country“. Interest in this elite urban workers’ neighborhood was in vain, both because of the things mentioned above and because of the good prices.

Since its founding, a special role has been played by the Sokolana building, on the ground floor of which there is equipment for gymnastic exercises, and on the first floor, there was an amateur theater, various cultural events, and famous colony parties. The Sokolana building was registered as a cultural monument and is under the protection of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments. In 1999, a monument to King Aleksandar Karađorđević was erected next to Sokolana during whose reign the Old Workers’ Colony was established.

During the design and construction of our complex „Panorama Erdoglija“, we took into account that the future tenants have an urban arrangement, as well as to meet all the needs of the contemporary way of life. We respect the principles of quality construction and energy efficiency, enabling future tenants a higher quality of life.
