Saveti Ažurirano 06.04.2020
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Unesite boju u stan kroz detalje

Ukoliko želite da vaš novi dom od početka bude upečatljiv i ne bude samo u neutralnim tonovima predlažemo da uz pomoć malih promena promenite totalni utisak stana. Koloritni detalji idealan su načni kako da osvežite prostor, i u nastavku vam predstavjamo pet jednostavnih ideja .


Da bi vađa kuhinja dobila potpuno novi izgled, nije potrebno da je celu menjate – zamenite samo frontove pojedinih kuhinjski elemenata. Ova minimalna intervencija osvežiće prostor i dati mu drugačiji pečat.  Police su komad nameštaja koji svako od nas ima u svom domu.

Ovaj jednostvan element lako se pretvara u detalj koji pleni pažnju ukoliko leđa police ukrasite bojom. Za ovo možete primenti različite tehnike, boju koja odgovara konkretnom materijalu ili samolepljivu foliju.


Stolice upadljive boje odličan su način da osvežite trpezariju, a poigravanje sa različitim bojama daće još upečatljiviji efekat.

Izaberite jedan model stolice ali ne budite potpuno dosledni kada je reč o nijansama – na primer odaberite set stolica u neutralnoj boji i među njih ubacite jednu ili dve u nekoj jarkoj nijansi, a ako ste hrabri, neka svaki komad bude drugačije boje.

Ukoliko ne kupujete nov trpezarijski nameštaj ,ovo možete postići bojenjem ili presvlačenjem starih stolica.

Stanovi na prodaju

Panorama Erdoglija


Dopadaju vam se jake boje zidova,ali nije trenutak za krečenje stana ? To ne mora predstavljati problem, jer je bojenje jednog zida ili samo njegovog dela često mnogo efektnije od bojenja cele prostorije. Takođe razne tehnike za obradu zidova mogu oplemeniti vaš dom i dati mu potpuno drugu percepciju.

Najbitnije je odabrati pravu površinu , nijansu i tehniku i uverićete se da će rezultat biti fenomenalan.


Evo još jednog predloga izvodljivog s postojećim nameštajem, uz malo veštine i truda u uradi sam izvedbi.

Verovatno imate jednostavan stočić, tronožac ili bilo koji komad nameštaja sa nogarama koji vam je dosadio. Da biste ga potpuno transformislai,sve što je potrebno jeste da odaberete omiljenu jarku boju i ofarbate nogare tog komada.


Krevet se svojim dimenzijama i položajem nameće kao centralni element svake spavaće sobe. Zato,ako želite dramatičnu promenu u ovoj prostoriji,upravo na njega treba da se usmerite . Uzglavlje je najistaknutijii deo kreveta, i odabir pravog materijala i boje može uticati da spavaća soba bude još prijatnija.

Ukoliko vam se ovi predlozi sviđaju, nemojte stati samo na njima već pustite maštu na volju i uz malo truda i puno kreativnosti unesite novu boju i oplemenite vaš dom.

Saveti Ažurirano 06.04.2020
All tips

Bring some color into your apartment through the details

If you want your new home to be impressive from the beginning and not just in neutral tones, we suggest that you change the total impression of the apartment with the help of small changes. Colorful details are ideal ways to freshen up a space, and below are five simple ideas.


In order for your kitchen to get a completely new look, it is not necessary to change it whole – just replace the fronts of individual kitchen elements. This minimal intervention will refresh the space and give it a different feel. Shelves are a piece of furniture that each of us has in our home.

This simple element easily turns into an attention-grabbing detail if you decorate the back of the shelf with paint. You can use different techniques for this, a color that matches the specific material or self-adhesive foil.


Chairs in a striking color are a great way to freshen up the dining room, and playing with different colors will give an even more striking effect.

Choose one chair model, but don’t be completely consistent when it comes to shades – for example, choose a set of chairs in a neutral color and insert one or two in a bright shade, and if you are brave, let each piece be a different color.

If you are not buying new dining room furniture, you can achieve this by painting or upholstering old chairs.


You like strong wall colors, it’s still not the time to paint the apartment? This doesn’t have to be a problem, because painting one wall or only part of it is often much more effective than painting the whole room. Also, various wall decoration techniques can enrich your home and give it a completely different perception.

The most important thing is to choose the right surface, shade, and technique and you will be convinced that the result will be phenomenal.


Here is another suggestion feasible with existing furniture, with a little skill and effort in the do-it-yourself project.

You probably have a simple table, tripod, or any piece of furniture with legs that bored you. To completely transform it, all you need to do is choose your favorite bright color and paint the legs of that piece.


With its dimensions and position, the bed imposes itself as a central element of every bedroom. Therefore, if you want a dramatic change in this room, you should focus on it. The headboard is the most prominent part of the bed, and choosing the right material and color can make the bedroom even more comfortable.

If you like these suggestions, do not just stop at them, but let your imagination run wild and with a little effort and a lot of creativity, bring in a new color and enrich your home.