Saveti Ažurirano 20.02.2018
Svi saveti

Stan se ne kupuje svaki dan, zato…

Kragujevac, privredni i ekonomski centar Šumadije, univerzitetski grad koji poseduje klinički centar, predstavlja Meku za sve one koji pokušavaju da “iz centra” prokrče svoj put. Svako bi želeo da nađe svoj kutak u ovom gradu, koji ne spava.

Kragujevac nudi sve: stanove u izgradnji, novoizgrađene stanove i tzv. stare stanove; u samom centru, u širem centru, na periferiji. Svako ko krene u potragu za svojim mestom iz snova, mora da proveri „dubinu džepa“, naravno, da razmisli šta i gde želi, a onda da proveri još neke „sitnice“.
Da bi kupovina bila obavljena na valjan način, sa što manje stresa, ne zaboravite sledeće:

  • ukoliko kupovinu obavljate preko agencije, proverite ko vam prodaje stan – od kada su registrovani, koliko imaju zaposlenih ljudi, kakav im je imovinski status, da li su im računi u funkciji ili blokadi…
  • ukoliko je u pitanju nova gradnja, raspitajte se i ko je izvođač radova, posetite još neko njegovo zdanje, raspitajte se koliko dugo postoji firma…
  • ukoliko kupujete stari stan, proverite da li je vlasništvo “čisto” (1/1), da li je stan uknjižen…

Kupovina stana je, za većinu ljudi, najveći finansijski poduhvat u životu, tako da o takvom zalogaju treba dobro promisliti i pažljivo to izvesti.
Kada ste sve proverili i napravili uži izbor, vreme je da se bacite na „sitnice“. Napravite tabelu za sve stanove u užem izboru, sa istovetnim kolonama, i upisujte ocene – prednosti i mane svakog. Počnite od cene, preko kvadrature, funkcionalnosti, lokacije, blizine škole, vrtića, prodavnica… ali i da li je u blizini neka diskoteka ili magistralni put.

Stanovi na prodaju

Panorama Erdoglija

Obratite pažnju na raspored prostorija, proverite kvalitet stolarije, podova, izolacije i sanitarija… ali obratite pažnju i na samu zgradu – stepenice, lift, ulazni  hol, zajedničke prostorije, podrum.

Ukoliko ste u mogućnosti, povedite u razgledanje stana nekog stručnjaka ili bar nekog kome verujete, a može bez emocija da sagleda sve prednosti i mane.

Na kraju, kada uporedite tabele, u najvećem broju slučajeva će presuditi Vaše srce!

Saveti Ažurirano 20.02.2018
All tips

You don’t buy an apartment every day, so…

Kragujevac, the economic center of Šumadija, a city of universities that has a clinical center, is a Mecca for all those who are trying to make their way „from the center“. Everyone would like to find their own corner in this city that never sleeps.

Kragujevac offers everything: apartments under construction, newly built apartments, and the so-called old apartments; in the center, in the wider center, on the outskirts. Anyone who sets out in search of their dream place must check the „depth of the pocket“, of course, think about what and where he wants, and then check some more „little things“.

In order for the purchase to be done in a valid way, with as little stress as possible, do not forget the following:

  • if you are buying through an agency, check who is selling your apartment – how many people are employed since when are they registered, what is their property status, are their accounts in operation or blocked…
  • if it is new construction, ask who the contractor is, visit another of their buildings, ask how long the company has existed…
  • if you are buying an old apartment, check if the ownership is “clean” (1/1), and if the apartment is registered 

Buying an apartment is, for most people, the biggest financial endeavor in life, so you should think carefully about such a task and perform it carefully.

When you have checked everything and made a shortlist, it’s time to start working on the „little things“. Make a table for all the apartments in the shortlist, with the same columns, and write down the ratings – the advantages and disadvantages of each. Start with the price, through the square footage, functionality, location, proximity to schools, kindergartens, shops… but also whether there is some club or the main road nearby.

Pay attention to the layout of the rooms, check the quality of carpentry, floors, insulation, and sanitation… but also pay attention to the building itself – the stairs, elevator, entrance hall, common areas, basement.

If you are able, take an expert or at least someone you trust to see the apartment, and they can without emotions see all the advantages and disadvantages.

In the end, when you compare the tables, in most cases, your heart will decide!