
Opis projekta

  • Objekat: SPO 4/1 i 4/2 – UNIVERZIJADA 2009
  • Spratnost: Po+Pr+10

Stambeno poslovni objekti SPO 4/1 i SPO 4/2 su jedni od pet stambeno poslovnih objekata koji sa zajedničkom podzemnom garažom G4, čine urbanističku celinu na građevinskoj parceli GP4.
Objekti su spratnosti Po+Pr+10.
Objekti su dobro osunčani i provetreni, sa bogatim vizurama prema svojoj okolini.
Bruto građevinska površina objekta SPO4/1 je 13010,18 m2, a bruto razvijena građevinska površina je 12119,87 m2.
Bruto građevinska površina objekta SPO 4/2 je 13070,78 m2, a bruto razvijena građevinska površina je 12180,47 m2.

Objekti su shodno projektnom zadatku, projektovani tako da su u prizemlju objekta smešteni pretežno poslovni sadržaji, na spratovima samo stambeni sadržaji, a u podrumu objekta svi neophodni prateći sadržaji.

U prizemlju, objekat ima dva nezavisna stambena ulaza, kao i pešački pasaž kroz objekat.

Pešački pasaž kroz objekat (visine Pr+1, širine 14,15 m) predstavlja prodor unutar blokovske centralne komunikacije kroz sam objekat.

Objekti se sastoje od sledećih nivoa:

  • Nivoa podruma na koti -3,52 m (73,13 m)
    Na ovom nivou su projektovani sledeći sadržaji:
    zajednički prostori koji se sastoje od horizontalnih i vertikalnih komunikacija, tehničkih prostorija (hidropodstanice, APA uređaja, toplotne podstanice, prostorije spremačice, trafostanice i razvodnog postrojenja) i dva skloništa za po 100 osoba, (mirnodopska namena su stanarske ostave)
    jedan magacin lokala iz prizemlja sedamnaest garaža za individualno korišćenje
  • Nivoa prizemlja na koti ±0,00 m (76,65 m)
    Na ovom nivou su projektovani sledeći sadržaji:
    o zajednički prostori koji se sastoje od dva nezavisna stambena ulaza, horizontalnih i vertikalnih komunikacija i tehničkih prostorija, (elektroprostorije) dvadeset osam lokala namenjenih poslovanju. Svaki lokal se sastoji od poslovnog prostora i sanitarnog čvora sa ostavom
  • Nivoa I sprata
    Na ovom nivou su projektovani sledeći sadržaji:
    zajednički prostori koji se sastoje od stepeništa, hodnika i liftova,
    četiri jednosobna stana
    osam dvosobnih stanova
    dva trosobna stana
  • Nivoa II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX , X sprata
    Na svakom od ovih nivoa, projektovani su sledeći sadržaji:
    zajednički prostori koji se sastoje od stepeništa, hodnika i liftova,
    četiri jednosobna stana
    osam dvosobnih stanova
    dva trosobna stana
    Ukupno ostvarena struktura i broj stanova u objektu SPO 4/1 je:

    • 40 jednosobnih stanova
    • 80 dvosobnih stanova
    • 18 trosobnih stanova
    • odnosno 138 stanova (Isto toliko i za objekat SPO 4/2).

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Project description

  • Object: SPO 4/1 i 4/2 – UNIVERZIJADA 2009
  • Floors: Po+Pr+10
  • Residential and business buildings BRB 4/1 and BRB 4/2 are one of the five residential and business buildings that, together with the common underground garage G4, form an urban unit on the construction lot CL4.
  • The buildings have floors B + GF + 10 floors. The buildings are well sunny and ventilated, with rich views of their surroundings.
  • The gross construction area of ​​the building BRB 4/1 is 13010.18 m2, and the gross building construction area is 12119.87 m2. The gross construction area of ​​the BRB 4/2 building is 13070.78 m2, and the gross building construction area is 12180.47 m2.
  • The buildings are, according to the project task, designed in a way that the ground floor of the building are contains mostly business facilities, on the floors only residential facilities, and in the basement of the building all the necessary supporting facilities.
  • On the ground floor, the building has two independent residential entrances, as well as a pedestrian passage through the building.
  • The pedestrian passage through the building (height GF + 1, width 14.15 m) represents an entrance in the central communication block through the building itself.
  • The facilities consist of the following levels:
    • Basement level at elevation -3.52 m (73.13 m). At this level, there are following facilities: common areas consisting of horizontal and vertical communications, technical rooms (hydro substations, APA devices – for automatic battery charging, room for cleaning service, heating substations and switchyards) and two shelters for 100 people, (resident storages are for peacetime purposes) one warehouse of the store from the ground floor and seventeen garages for individual use.
    • I floor level. At this level, there are following facilities: common areas consisting of stairs, hallways and elevators, four one-room apartments, eight two-room apartments, two three-room apartments.
    • Levels of II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX and X floor. At each of these levels, there are following facilities: common areas consisting of stairs, hallways and elevators, four one-room apartments, eight two-room apartments, two three-room apartments.
    • The total structure and number of apartments in the building BRB 4/1 is:
      • 40 one-room apartments
      • 80 two-room apartments
      • 18 three-room apartments
      • 138 apartments in total (same as BRB 4/2)
  • About processing and materials
    • About inner processing
      • Floors: Granite ceramics are in the elevator entrance hall, staircase, entrance from the collective garage, evacuation exit, cleaning room and warehouses from the ground floor. Polymer concrete with a chemically resistant wear-resistant finish is in garages. On the floors of the building, the floors were finally finished as follows: Granite ceramics are placed in staircases and stairwells. First class oak parquet is in the entrances, hallways, dining rooms and apartment rooms. Processing of pedestrian sidewalks around the building: The final processing of pedestrian sidewalks around the building is in stamped concrete. The stamped concrete used for pedestrian communications is cast, MB-35 brand, fine-grained with two fractions, d = 8 cm, double reinforced with Q = 131 reinforcing mesh and fibers.
    • About constructive system
      • The basic constructive systems of the building BRB 4/1 and BRB 4/2 consist of transverse reinforced concrete walls 15 cm thick, at a wheelbase of 440 cm, 375 cm and 225 cm, and 15 cm thick mezzanine reinforced concrete slabs. The core is the supporting structure for horizontal influence, together with the monolithic slab.
      • Under the entire basement, there is a reinforced concrete slab at a height of 73.13 m, which is 60 cm thick, hydro isolated, according to the „bathtub“ system. The entire facility is done on „franki“ foundation on piles, in accordance with the recommendations from the „Study on geomechanical field research“. The maximum groundwater level for construction plot 4 is 70.94 m, according to the „Study on geomechanical field research“ from August 2006. The complete reinforced concrete structure is made of DOKA system formwork.
    • Sound and thermal protection of the building
      • The buildings are thermally and soundproofed from the outside by sandwich facade walls and windows and balcony doors made of five-chamber PVC profiles. Independent contents inside the building are soundproofed from each other thanks to the layer of the ethafoam – a floating floor of a certain thickness.
      • In the architectural aspect, in terms of materialization, architectural expression and volume, the designer’s wish was for the complex to be modern and moderate, free from everything superfluous, and to follow the idea of ​​the simple in the future.

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