Muškarac i žena koji sede za stolom, muškarac računa na telefonu a žena zapisuje na dokumentu brojeve

What is VAT and who pays the Tax when buying an apartment

Every purchase of real estate located in a new residential building entails the payment of value-added tax. This tax is known by the abbreviation VAT. After the realization and placement of the loan, it remains for us to settle the tax obligations that we, as the (future) owner of the real estate, have towards the…

Dnevna soba

Tax on the transfer of absolute rights – who pays it and when?

Before starting the talk about what is the tax on the transfer of absolute rights for an apartment, as well as who pays the tax on the transfer of absolute rights – we inform you that in 2021 the state last amended the Law on Property Taxes, which includes transfer tax rights. Certain provisions apply…

Potpisivanje dokumenata

How to register an apartment: A guide to registering an apartment

Why is it important to register an apartment? First and foremost – unregistered real estate cannot – nor should be – the subject of sale. The procedure for registering an apartment is initiated by the investor, if it is a sale of an apartment in a new building – which we wrote about recently, so…

Mladi par kreči stan

What is a deposit for the apartment purchase and how is its amount determined?

The most common practice when concluding a legal deal related to the sale of any type of real estate is to conclude a pre-agreement between the seller and the buyer. This „pre-contract“ implies giving a down payment for the purchase of an apartment, as a form of assuring the seller (often an investor) that the…